Worst Night EVER!


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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I had my official worst night ever with Brody last night, he has been miserable with a cold for a few days, but seemed to be getting better.

Last night I did everything as normal, and he was totally shattered at bedtime, I rubbed vicks on his chest as usual, gave him some cough medicine, and put him down.

He didn't go to sleep till 5.30 am!!!! He just cried and moaned for hours!!!
I tried everything! in the end I had him in bed with us, and I stroked his hair till he eventually went off.

I have no idea what caused it, he was a bit snuffly but not too bad.
I hope he sleeps tonight I am totally knackered and will want to be in bed myself by 8pm latest!

Sorry just had to have a rant as I feel so tired! :(
oh dear poor you and poor Brody. :(
theres nothing i can do to help but i hope he gets well soon.
once hes settled off to sleep tonight go to bed yourself and catch up. :hug:

i remember my eldest doing the same thing. keeping me up all night for no apparant reason. Then in the day she fell asleep sat on her push along car. I felt like pinching her so she knew what it was like. :rotfl:

(only joking)
oh god urchin i felt sooo sorry for YOU when i read that!!! hehe

Hope brody gets better

Oh poor Brody. Maybe because the cold is going he is more stuffed up now as it all clears and then his throat may have got dry from breathing through his mouth. I hate it when that happens and can't sleep and feel like crying to!
How is he today? Poor love. How are you too, caught up on some sleep yet? :(
He slept fine again last night, thank God! I went to bed myself at 8.30 so all back to normal now.
He's still got quite a bad cough, he was really loud this morning, if it's still there after the weekend I'll get him off to the docs.

Thanks for your replies :)
awwww sorry hun, hope you both get a better night sleep tonight :hug:

if it makes you feel any better my 2 are the same.

today i fel like i have been smashed over the head with a baseball bat
Awwwwwwwwwwww poor you! Thats for Urchin and Dionne! I'm miserable enough with just my bug - I obviously don't know I'm born do I? Hope all of your babies get better sooooon :hug:
Hiya Urchin

I have just seen this.

How is Brody now? How is his cough? Did you get another good night sleep?


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