worst day ever...


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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swear im having the week from hell. firstly had my mum go on at me about removing all the clothes in the utility room but their not all mine and i need help so she was like ask my oh but hes at work. so ive just moved mine. then she was going to town to meet my aunty, but we got a letter through the door for my oh from the bailiffs about council tax, and my oh has the same first name as my dad so my mum opened it thinking it was for my dad. then she went all how are you 2 gonna cope. hes not gonna be able to look after you and the baby etc. but the thing is the council already know were having issues as they've overcharged him on housing and working tax so they told us pay what we can and also his work are being pricks and not paying him properly so he now looking for a job and my mum was just doing my nut in. she thinks hes just up playing xbox all day when most of the time hes looking for jobs but its so hard over here. she really doesnt think hes pulling his weight, and sometimes i do agree, but now hes realised we havent got much time with the baby he getting more into it and making more of an effort. i just feel so stressed out at the moment, i just want everything to get sorted before the baby comes :-(
Please don't stress too much! My mums always had that effect on me! Run a bath with lots of bubble bath and chill out. Have sone 'me' time

Yeah try not to stress, mums are always such worriers, be us doing the mum worrying soon! All you OH can do is keep job searching etc, it's hard these days to find something, just have to remind your mum that as well.

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