

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Hello Girlies

I know i am probably being silly but i am so anxious as the moment, i purposly avoided watching coronation street last week because i had read the story line in the paper, but i did watch it last night. I then had the most awful dream that a work colleague told me her doctor had told her my baby ahd stopped breathing and that i would have to be induced and deliver a still born, and i was frantically trying to find a hospital were i could be scanned etc etc but of course i couldnt, the dream just got worse and worse and i woke up n such a panic and now i cant get it off my mind and am finding myself anaylisig my babys every move!!!

I never worried like this with my first but this time round i keep thinking something bad is going to happen and what i would do or be liek if it did - its driving me mad!!!

Anyone else feel the same way or am i a nutter!??? :wall:
Awww, poor sweetheart!

I know how you're feeling. I am constantly thinking stupid things and trying to push them out of my head but it's not easy! Especially as there is so much crap going on around!

But you have to stay positive! What is meant to happen is meant to happen! And I am more than sure that you will have a healthy baby!

You worrying is not going to change anything so try and think of it that way... Being positive helps the baby a lot more!

(And don't watch Coronation Street! :rotfl: )

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Mum was trying to secretly get me to avoid corrie by keeping me talkin n asking me to look on the internet with her ... bless.

But it was fine. Like you say everything happens for a reason.

I am positive for my baby but of course we all have 'what if's' occasionally but we have to put those aside and go with the flow.

I have my 20 weeks scan a week on Thursday and I am so excited and wish I could feel baby move more freqently... at min its only every other day and so slight.
Loads bubbling going on though which midwife call 'quickening' ??????????
Aww hun you are not alone :hug:

I deliberately didn't watch corontation street but cos I know of the storyline it has made me really conscious to look out for every movement. I am a worrier anyway, often told that I worry about not having anything to worry about!! I have been really worried this time round too, I just so don't want anything to go wrong, I know that things happen for a reason I just can't help thinking irrational thoughts :(

Aww hun! I feel the same!

I watched it because I thought it DOES happen (very very rare) but it does, and I wanted to know what signs to look out for and to be prepared "just in case"!

But since watching it, I analyse her every move too :wall: The other day she didn't move much, it was really muffled movements and I panicked - Then last night she went absolutely nuts and kicked everywhere for ages, like she was distressed or something which worried me.

She can't win! xx
I watched it to, not sure why, love to torture ourselves dont we, i think we'd all notice LO not moving for days on end but it still made me have to get the doppler out, i think anything like thats bound to get you worrying !!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh hon please don't worry, although i know its easier said then done...

I think it can be quite natural, i worry sometimes, that its all going to come crashng down and is it too good to be true...

A good technique i taught myself is if you feel like you are starting to worry only do it for a short while ie 5mins and then say to yourself its OK to worry sometimes but things will be fine too...

I think its easy to worry when you dont know exactly has going on and if everything is going to plan in there but i am sure bubs is all fine and dandy...


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