

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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I cant offer any advice because I dont know the answers to your questions, but Im sure everything is fine and youre just having one of those days!! On the plus side your due in 99 days tomorrow-Double figures :cheer: :cheer:
I'll tell you what I noticed yesterday with my sister's bump. She hadn't lost the weight from the first baby, and had quite a tummy and has gained weight in this pregnancy too. I'd say she was between a 16 - 18. The weight on her tummy sits above her bump if you know what I mean? Makes her bump look bigger at the top until you press on and realise its basically fat :oops: rather than baby. She's not due till first week of October but looks bigger than other sister due in a couple of weeks who is skinny naturally BUT is carrying a HUGE baby :D

So if you've lost weight then I guess your bump probably does look smaller - but its just the fat that was sitting on top :D

I'm so glad my sister doesn't read this forum - she'd be horrified to ehar me discussing her fat :rotfl:
Hello Gem :wave:

Me and Vickyleigh (where are you vickyleigh!) have always been told we have small bumps, and I can only speak for me but mine's doing ok :) and it has ballooned out in the last few weeks, so maybe your babe's just not had it's growth spurt yet? I have been carrying low all along too, and everyone at work kept saying 'ooh theres no way that will last until 40 weeks, you'll drop way before then' but here I am at 38+1 still going strong with no signs lol..

Everyone's bumps are different and as long as you can feel movement still then you're fine :) If you have concerns though ask your midwife and maybe she could start the measuring tape measurements sooner for you to give you a bit of reassurance that you and your baby are perfect in your own way.

Hey Gemma,

Poor you, you just don't seem to be having much luck at the moment. :hug: :hug: :hug:

A x.
Oh Gem, you really haven't had an easy pregnancy have you. The last thing you needed was a UTI and worries about your bump size. Bumps don't usually get smaller, though they can vary slightly from day to day depending on the amount of fluid you have. I think my bump seems smaller some days, but it's usually just the clothes I wear are sometimes more flattering than others - I'm not a small girl myself...

At least you need mat trousers, with my dd I didn't have a bump at all and wore my normal trousers and things until I had her. You're nearly into the 3rd tri now, hopefully you'll feel better soon. :hug:

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