Worried and angry. :( Can anyone help?


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Hello. I am just over 10 weeks pregnant. And yesterday in the toilet I noticed that the paper was very very slightly light brown. And it really was very light but I got so worried I don't know what to do. My problem is that I moved to the UK about 7 months ago and I've never registered with a GP here before. And I was living in another city before but just moved here in Brighton about a week ago. And now no doctors are willing to see me because they need a registration and for registration they need proof of address which would be my bank statement. My all of them are still going to the old address and I've told my bank to send them to the new one but that's gonna take at least a week or 2 :( I'm scared to wait that long until I can see a doctor :(
Please don't panic. If it was a tiny bit of brown chances are its nothing to worry about. You are not experiencing severe cramps or heavy bleeding so please don't worry overly. Easier said than done I know but really, keep calm if you can :)

Many many women have spotting of brown or red blood during first tri. Most of the time it is harmless and quite normal though there is no medical explanation for it. I had spotting myself in first tri and I was fine. I turned down a scan at the EPU as tbh I felt if it was going to happen it would happen. But the spotting passed and all was well.

I'd not worry and carry on as normal. If you experience any heavy bleeding (and clots appearing also) and severe cramps with it then take yourself off to the local hospital and let them check you over. They may not be able to scan you there and then as it requires a sonographer etc, so you might have to go back at a later date. But until something like that happens I'd not fret. Doesn't do you any good.

With regards to a Doctor, once you are registered it'll be much easier to get an appointment. If you don't want to wait a week or two for a bank statement in the post go to your local branch and ask them to print you one off there and then with your new address on it. Might be a small charge but I consider it worth it.
Thank you so much for your reply! I know I shouldn't be panicking and it's not good for me but it's difficult to keep myself calm. It's my first pregnancy as well so I want everything to be good.
Plus I'm going to be a single mum so that's stressing enough to think how I'm going to cope with everything but I'm sure it'll all be just fine! :)
Thank you again, I'm already feeling a little bit calmer! :)
Good to hear you are feeling a bit better :)

Its a nervewracking experience, especially in the early weeks of first tri, but try to relax and enjoy it as far as possible :)

Have you checked out the single parent section of the forum also. You might find that area useful also as others there are obviously single parents and able to share with you.

Good luck and congrats on your pregnancy :hug:
I'm trying to stay as positive as possible as last thing my baby needs is stress :)

I did have a look at that topic there as well yeah and I'm definitely gonna look into it in more depth a bit later, I'm just so tired at the moment I feel like having a nap, haha. Can't wait for that all day tiredness to be over :D

Thanks for all your help and advice, you're a star! :hug:
I agree with what Sherlock says. If you're not bleeding heavily then try not to worry too much as it's perfectly normal.

I had a bleed at 6+5 and had to go for a scan to check everything was ok.

I would get registered with a doctors as soon as you can though so that you can get all your antenatal appointments with a midwife booked in as soon as possible.

If you start to bleed heavily and you have stomach pain with it then the only thing I can recommend is going into the local A&E to get checked out.

hope everything goes well for you
Hi There!

I suffered a loss with my very first pregnancy and it was so painful I could not stand! I also had bleeding but it was bright red and I was going through about 10 sanitary towels a day. It started off as a very heavy flow not just a little bit on the toilet tissue.

If you are very worried or experience heavier bleeding - DEFINATELY go to Accident and Emergency - they are sure to see you there. I really do not think you have anything to worry about though (easier said than done, I know)...

Sending you lots of hugs, :hug: :hug: :hug:

Julia xxxx
My wife had almost exactly the same a few days ago. We went to the Early pregnancy unit at the local hospital, and they gave her a scan, and it turned out to be the first time we saw a heartbeat!! So dont worry, a little bit of old (brown) blood is nothing to worry about, but as there seems to be enough to worry about in the first tri, go to your local hospital so they can do a scan. Really hope everything is fine!!!
It seems to have stopped now. I had a very stressful day yesterday as well, trying to get myself a doctor which was a complete nightmare. I can't see a doctor before I'm registered and in order to register I need proof of address which would be my bank statement which I had to order and that's gonna take quite a while until it comes to my new address. And I was feeling awful at work as well so I felt strange pain in my tummy. So after work I went straight home to bed and decided to take today off so i could rest. And I'm feeling a lot better today, no pain, no strange colours. And even the baby's father has offered to fly over to make sure I'm alright, which even more surprising than everything else. So hopefully all goes well!

And congratulations Jimmer! That must've felt amazing! I had a scan about 2 weeks ago and I could see my baby's heartbeat. Most amazing thing :)

Hope all is brilliant with you two! :) And as you said, the first trimester is the worst, we worry about every little thing but we want what's best for the baby, don't we :)

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