Worried about scan 2mo..


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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I wasnt really worried before.. but now so many of u ladies have had terrible news at your scans im petrified! Theres FOUR of us having scans tomorrow!! I dont know how id react if mine was bad and everyones was good. Obviously id be happy for those with good news but i wouldnt wanna talk about my bad news incase it steals peoples thunder..
Just a small rant.. i keep thinking these bad things but i darent talk to anyone about it, only you guys! Every time i blow my nose i get really sharp pains low down right across my tummy.
I really hope and pray that all of us get great scans tomorrow!
I cant beleive how much tradegy there has been in the past few weeks! Its awful! I cry every time! Even if i dont know the person i feel the pain.
Im so scared.
Good luck for tomorrow. Try to relax and im sure you will be fine. xx
I know what you mean Jo, I am ok at the moment but I know I am gonna be scared again later.

All the bad news lately has scared me alot too.

I am sure we will all be fine xx :hug: xx
I hope so! I hope we all get the news we hope for! And the cute pics too! Id feel terrible posting pics etc and someone has had bad news :(
Im really worrying about this! I might be overreacting but i cant help it!
Gonna go sainsburys now to keep mind off it lol! Spending money usually does the trick for a while! Its annoying coz everyones scans are at 10am and mine is 2:30!! I HATE waiting!!
Love and best wishes to you all for tomorrow!!! :pray: :pray: :hug: :hug:
Love and luck to all girlies having scans tomorrow :hug: try to keep positive ladies :hug: :hug:
I feel exactly the same way as you do jayceesmumma.

Lets just hope and pray everything is OK for all of us. :pray:

I am having my eyebrows plucked at 11am so that will pass a bit of time! :lol:
Good luck, Im sure things will be fine, try not to get yourself too worked up cos it wont be doing you any good :hug:

I get funny pains when I sneeze, bend down, turn over in bed and loads of other stuff! I always worry that I've somehow hurt the baby and its only when I get a bit of nausea or my boobs start aching that I relax a bit...til the next time lol!

Honestly hun, Im sure it'll be fine :pray: :hug:
You Will all be Fine! :hug: Stop worrying and enjoy your PG! Thinking of you all love Yvonne xxx :hug:
lots of love to everyone having their scans tomorrow. Jo its so normal to be anxious but I bet baby is bopping away in there waiting for their time on camera :hug:
Good luck for 2moz hope everythin goes well and you get good pics of bubba xxx

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