Worried about Jamie........


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
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I noticed this moring that Jamie has a white blob on the side of his gum which I can only assume is his first tooth (bless!) but whats worrying me is that it is on the side rather than the top of his gum.
I'm scared if it carries on growing it will eventually pierce his lip/cheek. Do you think i should take him to see someone?
is it defo a tooth?? not thrush?

they are lil white spots in the mouth?
He had thrush as a newborn and it covered his whole mouth & tongue. Its hard so think its a peg. I was trying to take a photo earlier - no such luck :roll: :lol:
ummmm might be a tooth then.
strange though shoing on the side?? does it feel sharp? next time you see HV mention it to her
Ella's bulged at the front at the top of her mouth just before they came through underneath. Is it rounded and bulging?
We managed to get a photo of J's toothy peg, what do you think?

Brody once had a similar spot. I was worried it was a tooth but when the teeth come through it is in a straight line, not a round dot like that.

I took Brody to the GP about his spot and when the GP had a look it had totally gone :oops:

I'd wait a day or two if it's not bothering him, but it doesn't look like a tooth to me :)
hmm i wonder what that could be :think: are you gonna take him to docs?
oh bless his little face!! haha he didnt like that did he!! haha xxx
chloe had thrush wen she was a couple of month and thats wot ers looked like!
i aint got a clue :think:

im baffeled!!!!

let us no as soon as you know what it is??? ild say tooth though?

has he been acting like hes cutting a tooth
I really thought it was a tooth as he's dribbling like its going out of fashion & condtantly got his fist in his mouth.
I went to see my doctor today so asked him about it while I was there & he said sometimes when teeth start to come through cysts appear :shock: my poor ickle man. Doc did say its nothing to worry about though. Phew!

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