
Little bean

Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2011
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It's nearly that time again when I have to get ready for work. I'm gonna be 38 + 4 on my last day of working but am starting to struggle a bit as on my feet all day and by times I get home my feet are bigger than my head lol. It's my own business so feel I need to work. Anybody else still working if so how long you planning on working up too. X
My last day will be the day before my due date. If my mw says I'm ok then I will work after that too. I'm in no rush to leave work x
I said that but as I'm getting bigger so are my feet and the tiredness sets in. Last night I get in from work about 7ish I was so ratty, hungry and tired I didn't know what to do with myself..... Just wanted to cry. Xx
I finished yesterday and can honestly say I'm glad, I love work but it was exhausting with an hours commute and my feet were also massive by end of day. NOw looking forward to the rest if lil lady gives me one x
I'll be exactly 38 weeks on my last day at work but I reckon I'm going to be like a zombie by then, if how I feel already is anything to go by!

Thankfully only got another two full weeks before a whole week off, and then when I go back I've got five weeks but I've got the Wednesday off each week to slob out in my pyjamas :lol:
I find I'm more tired and feel more awful in the first few weeks than the last few, that's why I always work til the end. Plus I only work around the corner. I hate being at home on my own all day, I get bored and lonely :( x
I finish on wednesday at 36+2 which is way earlier than I originally planned but I just can't hack it anymore. All of a sudden in last couple of weeks I've felt so tired, uncomfy and unable to fully concentrate on work as I reckon so much is happening in my body and 'things' could happen at anytime!!
I finish on Wednesday too, I'll be 36+5. I feel ready now, for some reason the tiredness hit me yesterday and all I want to do is sleep! X
I'm ready to finish now. Been off on holiday all week and really haven't done much and I am so tired still. Meant to work until 1 June but I now know that I'm not going to. Feet are starting to swell and are sore. I'm a receptionist so on my feet most of the time. THINKING of working Tues - Thurs next week and then taking the last week off on holiday before going on Maternity leave. Thought I would be bored if I finish too soon but this last week off has proven that that won't be the case. Can't wait to finish now :)
I finished almost 3 weeks ago at 32 weeks. Just couldn't handle my cleaning job with my spd!! I can honestly say I thought I would be bored not being at work, but I haven't missed it once yet!! Plus I still have so much stuff to do to get ready for LO and I haven't stopped the whole 3 weeks. Xxx
I'm going to start part time hours this week as last week was a struggle. I keep thinking I've just got to get through this week and a few days the following week then I'm done, well for at least 8 - 10 weeks at least. How long are you having off. X
I'll be 38 week when I stop work, but I'm not on my feet all day anymore. I mostly will be at my desk for the next 8 weeks. There will be the odd day of driving and being out on site but I wont be up ladders or on full blown construction projects anymore. I'm hoping that I'll be ok to work that long. I'm, taking the full year off plus annual holiday accrued, which my boss is NOT happy about. But I'd rather have the time with Pickle when he is here.
I keep trying to stop working but my last project is dragging on and on... I'm self employed and my work gets a bit stressful at times, so I've simply had enough now. I've got a list of things I keep meaning to do before LO arrives and I've done none of them. I don't feel unwell - just a little tired mid-afternoon - but I'm totally ready to stop stressing now at nearly 36 weeks. Hope you manage to stop soon, and don't beat yourself up over stopping work just because you're self-employed. It's scary to make the decision to stop, but you need to be well rested and in good health for the birth x
I also work for myself, and will be working right up until baby arrives. However, most of my work involves sitting at my kitchen table on a laptop (I'm a freelance editor), so I don't have it as hard as someone having to go into an office, or on their feet all day. The only downside is that I'll need to keep working up to the end of my pregnancy and within a couple of weeks (if not before) of baby arriving. I do get stat mat pay but I need to do the work as it comes in or lose the work in the long run.

I've been really lucky though, I've had no problems during my pregnancy so have been able to work right through. Just getting a lot of heartburn in these last few weeks (thank god for gaviscon!!) :) I don't know what I'd have done if I'd suffered from sickness or spd.
Updated - I'm finished work. Gave in holidays for the next 2 weeks and then I start maternity on 6 June :) When gave in hols my supervisor said "You know you're getting through your holidays pretty well at min". To which I reminded her that this is me finished until 15 March 2013 and we get our new holiday allocation on 1 April 2013. Better to use holidays now when I need them :)
I finished just before I turned 36 weeks and it was WAY too early! I have been bored stiff whilst I've been off and it's just making me more impatient, and also feel guilty that I could have finished later and afforded to have had more time off with Bubba! I'm 39 weeks today and feel I could quite happily go and do a long day tomorrow (12.5 hours)! x
My last day at work today and by god am I ready for the break! Although itll be crazy now for the next few weeks constantly thinking will today be the day. I might go a little bit crazy! As long as I get caught up on my sleep and a wee sun tan first before baby comes then I don't mind!! Roll on 5pm woooo hooooo!!!
I must say im enjoying the rest before baby comes along. Keeping busy but doing it at my own pace but i feel more tied then ever xxx
Wow u lot r finishing so late! Ille be on mat leave from 29 weeks but 2 weeks hol before that! My SPD is already quite bad! I can't imagine working later!!
I'm only in tri 2 but I have my mat leave all sorted.
I'll be taking mat leave from 36weeks but I'll have 3 weeks worth of hoildays to take too. So will finish up around 33 weeks :)

I only have about 11 working weeks left at work! :yay:

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