Working Offshore?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2006
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Anyone know anything about it? My DH decided he wants to be a chef Offshore apparently its 2 weeks on/ 2 weeks off. But other than that i dont think he knows anything about it. Though he seems to have a different idea everything job wise :roll:. But any info would be appreciated :)
My hubby works offshore.... what do you want to know?
How do you get into it really? :think: Probably should have got my OH to think of questions :rotfl:
Well, if it is a 2wk on/ 2wk off shift he is wanting to do, he will be in the North Sea.

First thing he will have to do is get his offshore survival certificate.... anybody on the rigs have to have this, it includes all the safety training (one of the things is in a big swimming pool and they have to get out of a mock helecopter underwater within a certain amount of time). He has to get that first tho, as no company will look at him without that.

If he still isnt 100% if he wants to do it or not... maybe get in touch with some of the agencies.... most of the offshore workers are agency rather that contract at the mo, what with the expense of oil etc.... failing that I think if he trys to get in contact with a company called Sodexo (they are in Aberdeen, but you will prob find most UK oil companies are in Aberdeen or Great Yarmouth) they will send you to whichever rig that is needing a cook.

For North Sea rigs, it usually is just 2wk shift patterns.... if he wants to go overseas (like my hubby is) it is more likey 4wk shifts, although overseas changes all the time - Brian has already been away for 4wks and he prob wont be back for another 4-5wks as the rig is getting towed to a new location.

Anything else?
Thanks hun :) ill ask him when he gets home from work what else he wants to know
My OH wants to work on the rigs!? He has no idea how to even start to look into it so thanks for that info! Iwill pass it on for him!
Is there anything else he will have to do? He doesnt want to be a chef!?
depends what he is wanting to do.... but defo get his survival cert as he needs that for any job!
Hi Mrs_Jay

Coming from near Aberdeen, my Dad used to work offshore and loads of my friends and friends' partners now do.

I would second SarahH on the agency idea, its definitely the way to go to get a job, particularly in the kitchens. He definitely definitely needs to do the offshore survivial certificate which you can do in 1 week (I think) at RGU (Robert Gordons University) in Aberdeen (look up their website).

Its worth keeping in mind that the money is good. You get an offshore allowance for not being at home. 15 years ago when my Dad went offshore this was £50 a day on top of your usual salary so its probably double that now - would be taxed though, I think. Its long hours too - 12 hour days but they do get fed well - 3 course meals with lots of options (which your OH would be helping to provide!) and access to computers and internet now I think.

How do you feel about him being 2w on/2w off or away a lot then home and under your feet?

Valentine Xxx
Everything Valentine has said is true for North Sea..... not for overseas tho.. I know I keep saying this but the North Sea is monitored alot more.

The rig Brian is on at the moment (by Brazil) he says if it was in the North Sea it would be condemned as it is soooo unsafe and the food is crap, cold goat curry and chips most nights!
valentine said:
Hi Mrs_Jay

Coming from near Aberdeen, my Dad used to work offshore and loads of my friends and friends' partners now do.

I would second SarahH on the agency idea, its definitely the way to go to get a job, particularly in the kitchens. He definitely definitely needs to do the offshore survivial certificate which you can do in 1 week (I think) at RGU (Robert Gordons University) in Aberdeen (look up their website).

Its worth keeping in mind that the money is good. You get an offshore allowance for not being at home. 15 years ago when my Dad went offshore this was £50 a day on top of your usual salary so its probably double that now - would be taxed though, I think. Its long hours too - 12 hour days but they do get fed well - 3 course meals with lots of options (which your OH would be helping to provide!) and access to computers and internet now I think.

How do you feel about him being 2w on/2w off or away a lot then home and under your feet?

Valentine Xxx

I cant quite decide if im keen or not tbh :oops:. Coz being a chef he can work 12 hour days as it is so feels like he isnt here much but still only earning peanuts. The theory is that if its more money then i might not have to work as much as i do ( i work 4 days a week) and id love to spend more time at home with my boys. but im not sure how id cope with the 2 weeks on my own. Obviously the 2 weeks off would be great tho.
I wont lie to you, it is REALLY hard when they are away. It can be very lonely and then also when the kids get tot he age where they know Daddy is away, but don't understand why he is away.

But, at the same time it is excellent on their off time as you can just get up and go somewhere one day without planning round work etc.
my OH works offshore, he's been off for nearly 3 years now and i have to agree with SarahH its NOT easy but can make up for it when they are home and have nothing else to do but spend it with you :) i found it harder at first but have got used to it over the years.

i think the first step would be the survival, OH does his at a company called Nutec in Aberdeen, its a 3 day course including classroom work as OH calls it and practical things like the chopper/fire thing that Sarah has mentioned. i cant give any advice on how to get into it for chef work as OH does rigging,absailing and rps work but im sure agency work is prob the best best for chef's.

OH does adhoc so he somtimes does 3 weeks off 1 week home etc but we'r very lucky as he works for my dad so i always have a rough idea of his workload etc and when he's likely to be off for longer and his times at home.

if i can help with anything else il try, or i can ask OH :)

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