

Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2008
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My wee man will be 3 weeks on wednesday, we have been giving him bottle at 7 o'clock and putting him through 2 bed and going in and feeding him in bedroom at 11 with lights dimmed. Tryin a wee bit of a routine which seems 2b working however past few nights from 7 onwards he wont settle when we put him through I go in every now and then and try and calm him quietly without lifting him or give him dummy, however every1 keeps sayin as long as he is ok leave him 2 cry he will learn 2 settle I do agree with this but is he 2 young yet and how long do I leave him 2 cry??
Advice welcome OH offshore and all this crying is starting 2 get me down
I think three weeks old is too young to leave a baby to cry to be honest, although i know some people swear by this method. He is still coming to terms with not being a part of you and he probably does really understand day and night properly. It might be worth co sleeping just for a while as he probably just wants to be near you.

I know the crying can be pretty intense in the early days and without your OH there for support, it must be much harder. Maybe try putting your LO in a sling so he can sleep whilst you can get things done in the evening.

Good luck :D
it took my man about 6/7 weeks to establish day and night, i think he is a wee bit young for leaving him to cry yet, perhaps he has a little bit of colic too which is causing him to cry in the evening?
If I understand it right controlled crying is not recommended until your baby is at least until 6 months old- though I am not a great fan of that techique.

Your LO is just finding a world a frightening place. The best thing is to keep him close so that he can hear your heartbeat (will remind him of being in your tummy) and just keep comforting him. I would also recommend a sling.

He may have a bit of colic which can cause crying too. Whatever the reason it WILL get better eventually xxx
Oh, and trust your own instinct - you are his mother and know what is right for him. There are as many opinions as there are people, only listen to advice which you feel comfortable with and ignore other people :hug:
Thanx for comments girls, I agree that he is 2 young 2 be left for long spells crying, and as u say mum knows best I will jst go with the flow for now and follow my own instincts
I agree with the other ladies 2 weeks old is abit young to leave babies to cry. They have been inside you for 9 months and then come into the big wide world. Must be really scary form them. You will always get poeple saying "you will make a rod for your own back.. you should leave them to cry" but i just ignored them. In the first few weeks of Ollies life i was pretty much like a servent to him! lol

Claire x
I agree too that he is too young!
Maybe its a touch of colic hun? The reason he isnt settling? Maybe try some infacol before each feed and see if he settles again! :D

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