Work rant...


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2014
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Just heard that my line manager has been bitching about me taking 9 months maternity leave. The phrases 'who does she think she is' and 'it's an absolute disgrace' was used. This came from another line manager in another department but is a very reputable source.

I'm raging and our hr department is useless so I can't do anything about it :-( just need a rant, 6 weeks, (30 days) until I go off on mat leave is the only thing keeping me going x
I've had loads of trouble with work and my boss being an arsehole to me. He thinks he's doing me a favour by 'letting' me have 6 months off. Then he went on about the perks I get such as full maternity pay, I wouldn't mind but I only get SMP! He's got a bloody cheek. It's a really small company though so there's no-one else to go to!
Buggy I feel your pain. Why can't all companies learn the law? X
I guess it's down to certain individuals and they get away with it under the right (or wrong) conditions!

I'm so glad I finish next week and I'm not going back,, going to look for another job
What an ass!!! I would extend it to 12 months now!!!
What an ass!!! I would extend it to 12 months now!!!


You are legally entitled to a year and your employer should assume that you will be taking the full year until you formally tell them in writing when you plan to return from Mat leave.

I'd send them an email saying you appear to be under the impression I'm only having nine months off when actually it's a year. And shove your job up your arse!!
I agree with the others! What's disgraceful is your line manager's appalling attitude!

That's terrible! Are they male or female with no children?! I can't believe people would get on like that in this day in age (sounding like my mum here lol). Thank goodness you're on the countdown to finish. You'd love to tell them not only will you be extending it to 12 months but you'll be going on the sick from now...see how they like that! :mad:
Tell you what, if someone I work with made a comment like that about me, I would be speaking to them about it!
My boss is male, no kids. I think that's part of it, they don't get it. Also threw it in my face about me having 'compassionate leave' where he gave me a few days off last year when I was in hospital loosing our baby, I had to stay in longer because I lost a lot of blood!

I have told him a few home truths to be honest but I didn't go as far as I'd like, I just want my maternity pay, albeit only SMP then to never go back!
Thanks ladies.

My boss is female, married with two kids, surprisingly. She behaved in a similar way after my miscarraige (telling people why I was off, doubling my work load when I came back and has threw up the fact I was off for two weeks constantly).

I wish I could tell her to stick it but I can't get a similar job where I live :-( I'm hoping that be the time I come back she will have moved positions. Wishful thinking though!! Just biding my time now!
Are you in a union, use them if you are?
You can't be discriminated against because your pregnant xx
I am in a union but union rep told me that it is not worth pursuing (contract is not permanent yet and I will be viewed as trouble maker). It is a complete shithole... Think of a company 50 years ago and that is the culture I work in...
My boss is the biggest arsehole going but I only tolerate him because I need my maternity pay. Im going to speak to my midwife on tuesday as feel my work isn't taking into consideration that im nearly 29 weeks pregnant because it doesnt suit them. Getting to the point its getting warmer in my surgery and im starting to get really narky as its becoming a struggle but me saying things like im starting to struggle seems like its falling on deaf ears xx
If you ge t paid for it, then go on sick leave! Honestly don't put up with that shit!

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