Work advice


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
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Hello lovelies,
I'm coming on over here now =). I need advice, I work nights in a care home and I know there's a load of risks involved but I'm only just pregnant, how soon should I tell them?
Tia x
If you’re doing a job where it’s not safe to be pregnant I’d tell them sooner rather than later so they can make any adjustments necessary. I can understand not wanting to tell them too soon in case you have to tell them you’ve lost it.. You can’t do much to hurt the baby in those first couple of weeks so maybe hold off until 7/8 weeks? I told my work at 8 weeks after we saw the heartbeat on an early scan.

There’s really no right time to tell them though. Most workplaces will want to know ASAP if you’re doing anything risky because if things go bad they’re liable. x
Your employer must have a policy for new and expectant mothers (by law) so see if you can find it and have a read. I go to a lot of care homes in my job (Paramedic) and I know how hard the work is there, the hours are long with few if any breaks and you are also subject to a lot of manual handling.

I didn't want to tell my manager until I was a little further along and for the last week I worked I did tell my close colleagues so they made sure I didn't have to do anything to strenuous. I was lucky that we didn't get any difficult jobs.

You probably do shift work as well which is tough anyway, let alone being early pregnant. Can you have a chat with your manager? They can't protect you if they don't know, if you see what I mean.

We are taken off the road immediately as we get exposed to all sorts of stuff.
I told my boss right away cuz I didn’t want to do anything I shouldn’t be after my late miscarraige earlier this year, I told him at 4 weeks and I’m 7 weeks tomorrow and finally doing my risk assessment today lol
I had to tell mine as I started bleeding at one point and looked like I was going to miscarry. I would say do it sooner. My boss felt really bad I helped do delivery a few days before she found out. I'm now banned from heavy lifting and going up step ladders, which has helped my anxiety levels as I feel I'm not doing risky stuff for the baby anymore. I'm also due to do a full risk assessment soon too, even though I'm still first tri (8 weeks 5 days exactly).
I’ll told my employee straight away as I’m know to do a fair bit of overtime, later shifts, running into break times and also being present for X-rays
Hi all
I'm a oncology pharmacist and have to sometimes check chemotherapy. I had to tell my manager today at 4weeks and was told it was completely safe even though all technicians and nurses refrain from going anywhere near chemo.
I feel like they're taking the Mick and I don't want to pose any risks to the baby despite doing a risk assessment!!
Feel anxious about work now. Any advice? Xx
Hi all
I'm a oncology pharmacist and have to sometimes check chemotherapy. I had to tell my manager today at 4weeks and was told it was completely safe even though all technicians and nurses refrain from going anywhere near chemo.
I feel like they're taking the Mick and I don't want to pose any risks to the baby despite doing a risk assessment!!
Feel anxious about work now. Any advice? Xx

I would get a copy of the risk assessment for your own records and check it thoroughly, you could always ask for the data sheets for any materials you have to handle it should say on them what the routes of exposure may be and who particularly shouldn’t be exposed, ie pregnant women! Is it still packaged or contained etc when you have to handle it? Ask someone senior to explain to you for your own piece of mind how/why there is no risk x
Hi all
I'm a oncology pharmacist and have to sometimes check chemotherapy. I had to tell my manager today at 4weeks and was told it was completely safe even though all technicians and nurses refrain from going anywhere near chemo.
I feel like they're taking the Mick and I don't want to pose any risks to the baby despite doing a risk assessment!!
Feel anxious about work now. Any advice? Xx

I'm an oncology nurse and regularly give chemotherapy. I told my manager at 4 weeks for the same reasons and had a risk assessment. I didn't administer any cytotoxic drugs during first trimester but carried on second checking as this didn't involve any handling whatsoever. After that it was my choice what I was or wasn't prepared to do so we came to an arrangement that we were both happy with. I felt well supported at work.
Hello lovelies,
I'm coming on over here now =). I need advice, I work nights in a care home and I know there's a load of risks involved but I'm only just pregnant, how soon should I tell them?
Tia x

As you can see in my other post I had to tell work early. I was really uncomfortable with it but I was much better supported that way. I was very well in pregnancy but if I hadn't been then people would have known what was going on. For me it was definitely the right thing to do.
Thanks for the advice girls. I discussed it with a more senior manager and she was happy for me not to check as I will be handling an unpackaged cytotoxic product. Didn't think it would be this stressful though. Now to find someone to do my weekend shift

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