Words of comfort


Aug 29, 2011
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Earlier this week i had my first miscarriage at 11 weeks.... i'm not really sure how i'm coping and not really sure what's going on - it's all abit much..

Looking around vacantly these words came to me:

"All our hopes and dreams now carried on butterflies wings"

This seemed to touch a faint nerve, where things seemed to make a little sense - I wondered if others have also found warmth in words, be it those said or in a song, anywhere really, and if you have maybe you'd like to share the so others can also gain that warmth that is so desperately needed at a time of pure emptyness x
[FONT=georgia, bookman old style, palatino linotype, book antiqua, palatino, trebuchet ms, helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, avante garde, century gothic, comic sans ms, times, times new roman, serif]Life is eternal, and love is immortal, and death is only a horizon, and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.[/FONT]
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sorry for your loss hunny, i lost my baby at my 12 week scan. hugs for you xxxxx
Sorry for your loss, beautiful words. xx
I have found strength in a few lines from songs;

(cheesy but) 'Theres nothing you can say, nothing you can do, aint no other way when it comes to the truth, so

keep holding on

but what i keep telling myself over and over again is 'keep on keeping on' because grief will happen around life, or consume it. Its important that we all allow ourselves to grieve but also look after those around us and ourselves, do 'normal' things and respect your right to be a bit weird throughout them but not let that hold you back.
I like this quote "when you hit rock bottom that's the solid foundation you need for building a future on and when you hid a dead end its the place you use to turn around in "
And the song lyrics to queens "too much love will kill you " made me cry lots as even tho its about an affair I think the words applied to me having to make the hardest choices. Not an inspiring but somehow allows me to get my tears and frustration out when I listen to it and I think everyone needs a song that let's them cry out all their pain you know ? X
just got sent this

No name, no face, no date of birth,
No hour of death, no plot of earth.
You never breathed, or kicked or cried
And yet for us, you lived and died
Thank you for all you're lovely words, I've only now found myself able to look on here again. I'm still struggling to get my head around the whole thing and struggling to move on, I can't bear the thought of sex so TTC is not on the cards for some while!!!
So Sorry to hear about your loss Romany :( It is a horrible thing to have to go through, especailly after building up hopes and dreams and then to have them torn away from you in a flash. Seems so cruel. I had a mc also, found out at my 12 week scan, such a shock, I thought I was ok then started sobbing on the bed where they do the scan :(
My mc then happened on 13 oct, about 2 weeks later (it was a missed mc). I can assure you things do get easier with time, just keep thinking positive :)

Hi Romany, sorry to hear you are struggling with TTC. Its not been that long so don't give yourself a hard time over it, just wait to you feel ready. If you need to talk to people (other than on here I mean) there are options, just sadly no guarantee that they will be any good or be available. we are here though so pop in if you need support, any time xxx
Romany, I am so sorry to read this! I am going through the same and 2.5 weeks on I'm feeling stronger! I send all my love to u and hope some of our words give u comfort. I know the kind thoughts and words I received and still do comfort me. Fi, those words are the most fitting I have ever heard. They are perfect xx
Just bumping the words! I needed to read them again xx
just got sent this

No name, no face, no date of birth,
No hour of death, no plot of earth.
You never breathed, or kicked or cried
And yet for us, you lived and died

I know Fi is no longer on the forum but what wonderful words - I read them on Crimbo Eve and noted them down. They are now in my purse and I carry them with me.

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