Just replied to your Jimmer post in 1st tri about this...... it's so fab having a doppler. I listen on mine every 2 or 3 days or so and the sound of the heartbeat is getting louder and louder and if I catch the bean at certain times of the day I can hear it moving around loads and loads. Other times it's barely moving which I suppose is when it's asleep but 1st thing in the morning it's kicking the living daylights out of me!! Glad I can't feel it yet!
Also - we're scan buddies! My 20 week is also on 9th June....which coincidentally is my 1st wedding anniversary. My scan isn't until 4pm but me and DH have got the whole day off and we're going to do some shopping in the morning, have a nice anniversary lunch out and then go for our scan. I can't wait. I'm staying team green though....even though I've tried asking DH to let me find out as a anniversary present!!