Woohoo - so much more positive!


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2011
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Had my check up (again) today! Baby heart rate still all up & down. But I was able to have a sweep and found out I am 3-4 cm open already. She said she could do a real good sweep & feel baby's head!

If nothing happens still, got to go back Saturday for more CTG & then look at an induction Monday!

But since that sweep I have had mild cramps? Is this normal?

I am scared as I don't know what contractions feel like, back labour first time & 2nd time there was no pain, just tiny, mild period pains & obviously silently dialated to 9cm when my waters broke!
if u think things may b moving just give them a ring hun worst case is that they tell u to go in and things havent changed but at least u will know !!! fx for u xxxx
I've downloaded a contraction timer so just going to sit here & click away :lol:
GL Hun. Does sound like you need keeping an eye on if you got to 9cm without pain.
Sounds promising, don't hang about too long though if you had quick labours before, they say labour gets quicker with each pregnancy! Good luck x
my second was very mild and silent lol i got to the hospital thinking i was only few centimetres but was 8cm and my dd came an hour later.

the only time a contraction really hurt was when my waters broke with it lol

fingers crossed for you xxxxx
Good luck and give them a ring x fingers crossed for you x

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