Wonky boobies!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Arghhh please tell me they even out again at some point, my left is clearly bigger then my right!! I am trying to feed from them evenly but there still wonky :-(
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It will settle down as your milk supply does hun. By 4 months mine didnt even feel full anymore and settled back to a normal size as your body only makes what it needs :)
I hope so they aren't big or hard just uneven at the moment.
You girls are going to hate me. Really sorry!
Last night, after O refused to get off the boob for 3 hours, boobs aching & basically during a very emotional meltdown I decided I was giving up breastfeeding, that I was a shite mother & was just going to mess up continuously.
This morning after very little sleep, myself & O woke up & had a cuddle. I realise now it was probably just hormones but it was horrible feeling like that.
Anyway, O had a feed this morning about 8:30 & has really dozed on/off since then. I've offered him the boob the few times he's woke up but he's more interested in sleeping right now. I'm assuming that's ok.
Because he was sleeping my boobs are so full, painfully so. Tried a shower, tried hand expressing, hot flannel but I couldn't get any milk off to get relief. I seen the express pump lying in the corner of my room & decided it was either try that or force O to wake & he looks so peaceful.
I didn't expect it to work really but I got 1oz off each boob! In 1.5 hours. I had intended to start expressing when supply was established because with me being by myself I really need O to be open to taking a bottle also. Should I freeze this milk? Dump it? Try O with 1oz in a bottle? I didn't expect to get any & now that I have I have no idea what to do with it.
Posted this in wrong area. Sorry!! How do I delete it?
Wonky boobies - lol!! My right is so much bigger and gets a hell of a lot fuller than my left!! As you know from my midnight tears! X
My left is bigger then my right ... So annoying lol
Ok you can have my right ill have your left!
I'll join the wonky boobies xx right is bigger here xx :D

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My right is sat leaking away while she feeds in my left!! I should just be sent to a dairy and be milked like a cow!! Haha!!
Ha ha nicky I feel like that xx
My left leaks when I feed on right xx

Embarrassing but my boobs leaked over hubby during :bd: :blush: we both laughed afterwards xx

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I like to squeeze mine and have a little taste lol
Ooh yeah i do it daily figured it must taste good if little man likes it so much lol
It is quite sweet in case your wondering lol
I can't believe you haven't tried yours!!
i think its fairly common for one breast to priloduce more/ ve easier to feed off. My right breast was slightly bigger even before BFing.
And yes, BM tastes sweet. But omg it stank when i expressed for the first time and left it in the fridge for a bit. I honestly thought its gone off

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