wish me luck *updated (again)*


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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off to doctors this morning to see what's going on (why why why thread), really hoping it's good news or at least not bad news x x

* had various different bloods done, just waiting for doctor to phone me back to give me results. When I explained what was going on she seemed quite concerned especially when I mentioned theres a history of ectopics in the family. Currently bricking myself x x

* just had a call from my doctor to say my results arent back yet so I'll need to phone back monday afternoon!! :(:brat: so going to be ridiculously naughty with the calories tonight and share an easter egg and a bar of choccie each with hubby even though I've just eaten 3 slices of dairylea on toast (currently in love with the stuff) and am about to have stuffed chicken (with healthy fillings), salad & potatoes before working my behind off tomorow to get back on track x x
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Good luck hun hope everything went/goes well :) xx
Best of luck, hope Monday cones round quick for u!
Best of luck for Monday, bet you never wished the weekend away before :) x
Good Luck Hun, be careful if you think you may be ectopic as it can be dangerous, don't take any chances if your pain gets worse.

Sending you lots of babydust!

Aw.... Bless ya hun..... Good luck for monday then, Hope the weekend doesnt drag too much for you :). Amy xx
thanks everyone, everythings going through my mind at the moment, our anniversary today & I'm starting a new job tonight so I'm hoping that I can keep my mind off it for at least today and then I'm out on monday from 12-3 so it's mainly tomorow thats going to be torture. If things get worse I've been told to get straight onto the out of hours doctor x x

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