Wipes/Nappies/Lotions & potions??


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2014
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This will be my first baby, and I would like to stock up on a few packs of wipes, nappies and all the general lotions and potions. But I honestly have ABSOLUTELY no idea where to start! Any advice on what I need and any recommendations of certain products/brands would be greatly appreciated :) xx
Don't get Johnsons. A lot of babies I know have had reactions to their products. Some people use them without any reaction but personally I wouldn't risk it. I got given a fair few bottles and haven't dared use one yet.

We use some organic hypoallergenic stuff in his bath called Humphreys corner. But really you don't even need that you can bath them in just plain water.

Aldi wipes are really good and a fraction of the cost of the brand name wipes.

As for creams sudocrem is always a good reliable one.
I'd personally avoid all washes creams etc (except nappy cream) for the first few months. I'd also use water for changing nappies or water wipes. We used nothing but plain water in the first few months with our second and no cream after baths and his skin has been lovely - no dryness or rashes. Their skin is so sensitive and delicate I feel you are better to avoid all chemicals. We've also only bathed our second twice a week since about 2 weeks and I think this has also helped not to irritate his skin. Our first had a lot of skin problems which I think was caused by too much exposure to water and products. Xx
We used a mixture of pampers and aldi nappies to start but it can depend on the baby as to what suits so wouldn't stock up too much as you may find one brand is better for you than others.

We used sainsburys wipes (white packet) from the start they are hypo-allergenic and supposedly ok for newborns - never had an issue with them although when he gets a soreish bum from teething we just use water and cottonwool

We used metanium ointment which was fab (white tube) and now he's older with teething occasionally use the yellow nappy rash tube which is absolutely fantastic, I can't fault it.

I've always used johnsons bath cream and foam shampoo. We started with just water when baby was very young but then started putting it in when he was about 6 weeks or so. We've never had an issue with it.
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:dohh:Thanks ladies, I feel a bit clueless atm! Roughly how many nappies and wipes did you get through in your first week? X
I wasted so much money buying all the johnsons stuff and haven't used any. LO had sensitive skin so for the first few months we only used water in the bath. Now it's settled down, we use simple baby bath and simple shampoo. We use pampers nappies and Huggies pure wipes. The boxes of 12 wipes are usually on offer. I'd probably only get one pack of first size nappies as you dont know how big LO will be and different brands of nappies suit different babies. X
Everyone said to me ' don't stock up' I ignored them all haha

I had no problems with aldi nappies untill 4 months old where he needed a pampers overnight. Aldi are great for the money. I mainly got aldi, little angels ( they were crap btw) and had a pack of pampers given me.

Get newborn, size 1 and size 2 if you want? I think at one count I had 400 nappies.

I used cotton wool and water for 8-10 weeks. When out I used water wipes as the were the most natural - alittle dear but only used 2 packs as didn't venture out too much in early days.

At 8-10 weeks I started using wipes every other change- aldi sensitive and pampers sensitive as I got a box off amazon cheap. I'd still use cotton wool and water a few days a day and always dried his bum with a towel after so it wasn't wet and put in a nappy.

Creams wise. I got a lot of tester tubes out the emmas diary packs - they lasted ages and still have some. I use sudo a lot and they say don't put cream on unless baby needs it but I'm all for prevention is better than cute so popped abit on every change as a barrier and touch wood we have only had nappy rash once and he's a year old next week.

Newborns get through 10ish nappies a day to begin with - over time that decreases. But I'd say 10 a day for 3-4 weeks so that's why I stocked up. I also stocked up because financially SMP really hurt our fiances and I wanted to be as prepared while I had the money around.

I started using abit of bath wash with Osvar at about 10 weeks. People slate Johnson's but I use top to toe with no issues. He does sometimes get abit of dry skin but a product called oilatum you pop in bath helps that.

I'd suggest you get a small bottle of extra virgin olive oil - babies are used to being in fluid so naturally after a few weeks they get little dry patches - alittle oil on your finger and rubbed over the dry bits is a god send - cures cradle cap aswell.

I think the key is - try to built up a resistance gradually. I.e don't go mad on all lotions etc when you don't need to :) let their skin become accustom to the world and naturally it will built resistance to wipes etc.

Cotton wool balls are annoying - buy the pleats instead - asdas are good :)

Hope this helps? I'm gone on abit hahaha -
Lol Bex we ignored everyone too and just bought loads of aldi nappies as we had a lot of money off vouchers.

Definetely about 10 a day to start. Your looking at changing them around every 2 hours between feeds and sleep
Thank you so much ladies!! I'm making a note of all suggestions and shall start to buy bits gradually. I didn't realise how confusing it all is until I popped into Boots the other day and stood for a good 15 mins in a state of pure shock in front of the nappy and wipe shelf lol :oooo: xx
pampers active fit, from size 3. Newborn pampers new baby. amazing! we bought 1 big pack of size 1, then just bought as we went along as you really don't know with size.
I also swear by pampers sensitive wipes. only need to use one at a time as their thick enough and come out the packet easy! If your willing to spend, Id go for water wipes, available on amazon and in boots, amazing invention! never had a nappy rash using them. but pricey.

Bum cream, sudocrem care and protect. I HATE normal sudocrem, its sticky and gets everywhere, but this one is light and creamy, brilliant.

cant recommend lotions as we use doublebase gel from docs. x
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Thank you so much ladies!! I'm making a note of all suggestions and shall start to buy bits gradually. I didn't realise how confusing it all is until I popped into Boots the other day and stood for a good 15 mins in a state of pure shock in front of the nappy and wipe shelf lol :oooo: xx

Supermarket baby events are your best place Hun - the likes of boots etc are expensive ( unless you do boots baby event )

Depending on bottle or Brest feeding but I got some infacol in for colic etc - I also got calpol and stuff in ready aswell - you can never be too prepared :)
I couldn't use pampers, Lucie came out in blisters at 3 days old after wearing pampers for an hour. We had used boots own as my friend had given me half a pack then I swapped at day 3. I prob used about 3 -4 packs in the first week but the packs are smaller for newborns and due to the blisters I was having to change more often. The dr recommended aldi and we used those until she was 14 months then we changed to little angels. I tried tesco and morrisons nappies too and they were all ok but aldi worked out cheaper.

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