
Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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Any tips on winding. Liam takes ages at night, sometimes for 40 minutes and he still doesnt wind. When can you stop winding them.
Is he in pain?
I would give up after 10 mins if he's not crying.
If he is upset I would recommend winding as much as you can in the daytime too as it can build up till evening.
I agree, sometimes I can't get Seren's wind up but she seems perfectly fine. I find a dose of gripe water produces a great burp, right from the bottom of her boots :D
No he isnt in pain. he brings up his wind brilliantly during the day, its just at night and when you lie him down he wriggles around, so you pick him up and wind him some more, but still no joy and this is how it goes on.

on another note do you think the reason he doesnt sleep through the night is because he doesnt drink big bottles. he rarely drinks more than 3oz in one go. last night he woke every hour and a half!!!!!

do you think we should put him on medium flow teats to encourage him to drink more. i know ive had two other children but this is a first with the feeding. the other two were fine for feeding. (he is gaining weight brilliantly).
I would try a medium teat, you've got nothing to lose, you'll need to go on to them sooner or later anyway so if he doesn't get on with it save it for a bit later.
I would try the bigger teats, it could be why he is only taking a little bit in the day, if its too much hard work for them to suck they nod off before they finish- Jack was terrible for that.
So the medium flow might be better for him,

Once he is feeding more in the dday he should settle at night better cos he has had his fill in the day.
If Abi wakes early morning for a feed and i breast feed i dont wind her at all i just put her back down but when she had a bottle at night i always wind her for about 5 mins it wont hurt them if they have wind unless they are crying in pain i wouldn't worry too much, sometimes when i cant get wind out of Abi, first thing in the morning when i pick her up i have a great big burp lol.
I only wind Charlotte for a minute or so, and she never seems in pain if she doesnt bring any up. My MW said that we are the only country in europe still to wind babies......cant imagine that to be true????
hels said:
My MW said that we are the only country in europe still to wind babies......cant imagine that to be true????

I heard that too :think:
I only wind matthew when he obviously has wind, sometimes though just sitting him up does the trick! and I only give gripe water if he is in obvious pain, at night we dont wind him not sure if because he's tired he doesnt care and falls back to sleep but he never gets it at night
Sometimes i don't bother winding kacy i will try for a couple of minutes then not bother, but when u said about him wringling in bed it might be Your little one getting comfory, or why don't u try winding him before you feed him then in the middle then at the end see if that works that what the midwife told me to do when kacy was suffering with wind
Seren's wind seems to come out more the other end, she trumps all night long. Doesn't wake her but it wakes me :D
LOL Beanie, Charlie is a farty pants too....its embarrassing in shops, people sometimes look at me as if i did it LOL

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