

Active Member
Sep 29, 2008
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James is 4 weeks old and I'm breast-feeding, He suffers with trapped wind and we've been using infacol now for 3 weeks and he finds it a lot easier to bring up the wind. However he farts all the time! When he does fart it seems to distress him and screams the house down, normally when he does fart he also sprays his nappy with poo.

Is there any need to be concerned? Or is there anything I can do to relieve his farting distress?
hiya, my baby is exactly the same its horrible to see him when hes trying to fart he looks so distressed. I cant really help but thought i'd pass on what i was told. I told the midwife about it and she just said to carry on with th infacol but it is not uncommon for a baby to appear distressed when passing wind as it is an odd sensation for them. Im breastfeeding as well and find if i try and comfort Dylan through these episodes he just constantly looks for milk so my OH has him on his shoulder and rubs his back and eventually he calms down and looks a lot more settled. I'd still mention it to your HV or MW as they all say different and im so new to this myself i dont want to tell anyone wrong.
Hope your LO feels better soon xx
Sounds par for the course. Babies guts don't mature till around 12 weeks and till then can make all sorts of noises and cause excessive wind.

My LO was exactly the same. He would fart for England and his used to gurgle and make all kinds of noises. All normal in newborns as I understand it. I used to lie him on his back and gently rock his legs up and over and that would help him. Sometimes a bath in the tummy tub would also do the trick.

I'd keep on giving the Infacol as that does help often with colic.

The wind situation should improve as he gets older and is better able to handle everything.

If you are still concerned talk to your HV .

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