Wind....any tips


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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Hiya my lil baba is 3weeks on sunday. I am xombination feeding try to bf in night and bottle in day. Chloe just seems to get so distressed after and during every feed especialy at night. She seems to have hiccups alot and her trumps are louder then most mens lol but I feel for her as she gets distressed in night when I wind her I can always get some up but there seems to be so much more lurking there and it does no favours trying to settle her off shes sick a few times a day but rarely finishes a feed. Either goes to sleep or literlly rejects the bottle. Have mentioned it at every mw visit but theyve not recommended anything. Got health advisor today so gonna mention it again just would love some tips on how I can help soz for typos on phone!
My baby has suffered terribly from wind, still is actually. Some of the things we've tried: infacol, dentinox, gripe water, colief, baby massage (sun and moon and I love you stroke, see youtube for how to do it), different holds (there's a special colic hold you could look up), extensive winding, watm baths - maybe one of those will work for you?

Poor babies.
Kynon is the same, ok in the day but worse at night. I've started giving him infacol which helps a little bit. I think he just wants to feed constantly though, something to do with your hormones and milk production at night so I'm not so sure it is wind now as he's always happy if he's suckling!
Try gripe water. I think My baby is addicted to it, he slurps it down and grins at me. :) I
Also took him to a Cranial oesteopath which helped a little. A didn't have colic though, cranial osteopathy really helps with
Colic apparently. Does your lo have colic you think? xx
hi thanks for the responses some intrestin tips to try!

dont think its colic as i hear thats hours upon hours of crying but even tonight after chloe had been fed burped burped burped and infacoled still awoke after approx 30 mins sleep crying and trumping :(

the health visitor visited fri & i mentioned it and she heard chloe trumping (it seems to hurt chloe when she trumps like she is straining)
she advised me to use infacol every feed which i hadnt been i had just literally used it once or twice as didnt want to feed her up on infacol! whoops!

she says she will see how its going next week, reecommeded a dr brown feeding bottle which helps with gas babies & is 10 quid per bottle, but my tommee tipee ones are meant to do this. she showed me some more winding positions too. im extra conscius of noise espesh in night as live in a flat but most importabtly i do not want chloe distressed like she gets its so upsetting xxxx cant wait to try gripe water but gotaa wait till shes 4 weeks
do her nappies smell bad? is she having problems going for a poo? might be the milk shes on at a long shot lactose intolarent, ahve you taken her to the doctor? x
We had this and sitting baby up after each feed or a while has elevated our wind problems!! :)

Hey, it could be Colic or even worse reflux; my baby had reflux for about 6 weeks.. she was irritable after feeds, uncomfortable, crying, sick... I tried everything and saw the doctor lots; and have found Infacol the best ting to use. Give baby one or two droppers before a feed, I would advise give it 5 minutes for the infacal to settle; then feed baby. I was combined feeding as well and found baby was getting to much wind through the breast. I am now bottle feeding and we are on top of her reflux and colic. It is thought to pass after about three months.. she is much happier baby and now a joy!! x

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