Wind - Advice required


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2008
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Chloe is two weeks old today and for the last two days has been suffering from really bad wind which she struggles to get rid of. This seems to be worse in the evening and during the night. She lies in her moses basket and brings her legs up to her chest and appears to be in pain. I am currently breast feeding and wondering if I am doing something wrong and need to put her on a bottle? Would it be worth investing in some gripe water or infacol?

:clap: :clap: on bf-ing :) the first weeks are the hardest... you aren't doing anything wrong at all :hug: try and keep your LO sitting up for 1/2 hour after a feed; maybe try burping half way through a feed snd see if that helps.

infacol and gripe water work in different ways, so try them separately (infacol can take a week to work).

also try rubbing her tummy in a clockwise direction to aid digestion.

and a warm bath can also help soothe any discomfort

:hug: :hug:
Its all sound normal to me. Galen did exactly the same and what I've read from others BF'ing Mums its par for the course. Don't give up on the boob and switch to bottle as it can usually be overcome though it might take a little while. And remember that although its hard to watch your LO in pain, it does pass and does not cause any lasting damage nor do they have any memory of it.

IIRC they advise not to give gripe water before 2 months old. Infacol is what you should try. That is happens in the evening and night makes it more likely to be colic (as this is when it seems to occur most but can happen at other times).

Winding as you go when feeding helps. The Infacol makes all the small gas bubbles form into a big one thats easier to burp. When she fusses and starts kicking her legs during a feed is a good time to try as winding, may be she needs a burp. Do after a feed also.

Wind will also happen from the other end. BF babies tend to fart more than formula fed ones. This can also cause her pain. I often dip LO in the tummy tub bath and this helps. Also if he lies on his back I lift his legs up and over his body gently and do cycling like motion with them to help ease things and get the wind out.

Dummies can also help ease colic woes. I started using one from 3 weeks (got a nipple shaped teat not a flat one to avoid nipple confusion) and it was a life saver from comfort sucking and colic. Keep sucking on the boob and getting milk makes things worse (once full) and therefore comfort feeding is something I stopped doing. Galen would have a dummy and could suck on that and it helped his colic and pain. Made life a lots easier. We didn't use it at other times.

PS :) now your LO is here this sort of thing is usually posted over in the Parenting section. Took me a while to get used to visiting there and posting and asking my questions but soon settled in :)
that's what my lo does too...she was definately worse at the beginning tho. it prob started around 2/3 weeks. she still get it now and grunts and cries in her sleep. People keep telling me they grow out of it around 3/4 months as thier system develops. Violet tends to get really bloated with it and screams...we lean her forwards and pat her back which helps a bit.
I know it's hard tho hun so sending you some :hug: :hug: :hug:
There is hope! They do grow out of it at 3 months! Honestly!!! :hug:

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