William Joseph Man born 06/07/08 3.26am


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
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OK, so here's what happened, nine days overdue, when I was booked in for induction later that day - obviously didn't need it though!

I wasn't convinced I was in labour at first, and thought I had ages to go. Woke up with a tightening at 1.15am, had a couple more over the next 30mins. DH took our son to our friend's house at 2am, I phoned hospital at 2.15am, thinking they'd say wait a little longer. Luckily they didn't!! Arrived at hospital at 2.40am, thinking the contractions had slowed down in the car. But as soon as I got out, I could only walk a few paces before another contraction came. When they said, "let's go straight to the delivery room", I said "ooh, do you think it'll be that quick!" I went for a wee and was in agony on the toilet, got an urge to push, but was afraid to say anything as I thought they'd think I was stupid - no way could I be ready yet!!! Silly midwife seemed to take for ages before examining me, I was begging for pain relief by this stage, but mw wouldn't budge. Finally she got around to checking me over and said "ooh you're a star, you're fully!" I felt like saying "What do you think I've been trying to tell you!!!" My waters hadn't broken and the midwife wanted me to push with them still intact, but I bottled it on the next contraction - far too painful! So she broke them, warning me that he'll come out pretty quick, she was right! One push, head was out, and I forgot I needed to push again for the body!!! I was just lying there with his head poking out. One more push and bingo! 3.26am he was born - I had no idea it would ever be that quick. My mum always joked that giving birth was like shelling peas, and luckily this time, it was! 2 hours from first twinge.

Midwives were all excited as he was born on 06/07/08 and weighed 3.456kg - spooky numbers! That's 7lbs 10oz.

Completely different experience to my first thankfully, and would happily do it again! Not sure how to attach photos, hopefully will figure it out soon!
Aww congratulations!! Wow that was quick!! Welcome to the world William :hug: x
Congrats hun!! Can't wait for pics, and loving those numbers!! :lol: xx
Congratulations!!! :cheer:

Sounds like a brilliant experience! :hug:
Congratulations on the arrival of your LO and so nice and quickly too.
wow you make it sound easy :-)
congratulations and welcome little William- it took 9 days but you made
up for it with that birth :-) :-)

Well done hun xxx

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