Wide awake again :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Can't settle! OH came to bed just after 11 and I was snoozing, now I am wide awake :(. Had period pains again this evening but not too bad, now all I want is chocolate and I can't quench my thirst, and I am so hot I'm not wearing my pj's cos I keep burning up. I just can't shut my mind off, have had a busy day visiting mum and my sister, food shopping and cleaning out the animals, wanted to clean the rug too but ran out of energy but now I really want to do it lol......at gone midnight :shock:

Had a weird dream in the short time I was snoozing that my OH's eyes had fallen out and I had to go and find them in a skull shaped castle.....freak lol

I've got the midwife at 1.40, going to ask her if there's anything I can do to sleep. I know there's no way she'd give me a sweep or anything at 38 weeks but she might have some other advice to get baby going. I can't stay in one position for too long, maybe 20 minutes before my hips start killing me and the pain wakes me up if I do manage to sleep. I can't win lol

Oh well, here's to another dawn chorus :( xxxxxxxxx
Haha same! Fell asleep for about 2 hours at 10.30 and woke up really restless and hungry, craving a pizza in the freezer. Said pizza is now demolished and watching drillbit taylor lol.

Midwife tomorrow for me too! Think I'll be getting my first sweep and I'm sooooo hopeful lol! Gonna beg for an induction to be booked for 41 weeks (Friday) too, but not sure on my hospitals policy, will probs have to wait a few days more :(

Good luck with the midwife, and the rug cleaning if you go ahead with it :D x
Aaawww hope you managed to get some sleep hun. I nodded off on the sofa at about 5.30 and got woken up by OH at 6 :wall2:

I'm going to beg my mw to do something to help me, can't go on like this. My OH does removals and I actually asked him to tell his office not to send him too far away today, dunno why just want him close by. Bloomin wimp lol, normally can't wait to get him out of the house :D
Aw bb!

I notice you post lots in the wee hours. You poor love.

I am managing to sleep well with a couple of toilet breaks thrown in but overall I feel rested. I manage this because 1. OH is in spare room 2. I have a sausage pillow and cushions which support my back and pelvis and the last reason I swear helps bizarrely. I listen to my natal hypnotherapy through earphones as I am drifting off, I always have a 'proper bo' nights sleep if I have done this.

I hope you can sneak some zzzs in the day time Hun xx
Thanks hun. I have to stay awake for the mw but might try to snooze this afternoon. Albert's very active this morning so hoping he'll calm down later xxxxxxxx
i had a bad nights sleep too!! just couldnt get comfy, lots of pain, lots of heartburn ugh ugh ugh cant sleep through the night at all anymore - but they do say its to prepare us to become nocturnal for our babies ! id like my body to be nice and let me just have one full nights sleep though...

hope you're feeling ok BB good luck at midwife let us know what she says xxxx
I might have a sit down protest and not leave til I go into labour lol.

They do say it prepares us but at least we'll be able to rest when LO does. At the moment I'm sure he's snoring his little head off in there and I'm wide awake lol. Still, the rug is now clean :D

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