Why is the doctor always running late?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Every time I go to the doctor/HV/dentist/hospital etc they are ALWAYS running late. Why? Why don't they have longer appointment slots as they obviously need them. I know it's probably to do with NHS telling them this is how long they have for each appointment but it gets on my tits. Saw HV yesterday who was 30 minutes behind and I'm trying to ask her questions as she's shooing me out the door as she's running so late :evil: , I'm not joking, I was asking her questions while I'm stood in the corridor and she's shutting the door on me and she justs thrusts a leaflet in my hands about weaning and goes "read this"!
Yup, same as here...the doctor gets so many minutes per patient and that is the size of the slot - i think it is five minutes here :shock: which may be fine if you have to get the results to a routinary blood test - but what about the gynacologist - you have to undress, get dressed again.... :wall: :wall: :wall:

Tis very annoying, at ours you can only go in about ONE thing, if you have any other problems you have to book appointments accordingly, so if you have a headache AND a manky foot thats 2 appointments. I spend half my time trying to workout if the issues are a collection of symptoms for the same illness or seperate problems to ensure I ask for the right amount of appointments :think: I think I need a medical degree :roll:
Don't get me started on that! When I was pregnant I had to go into Glasgow for my midwife appointments which was 50 minutes travel. When I got there I could be waiting up to 2 hours until I got called in as the midwifes in the clinic were very thorough and would talk to you for as long as you needed. I did like that as I was once in an appointment for an hour when you are given a 15 minute slot but waiting to get seen was the worst as everytime a midwife came out to call someone in it was like 'please be me! please be me!'.
I was at the doctor just after I posted, it was a new guy. Very young and GORGEOUS!! Almost didn't want to tell him about my depression, he was that handsome!

He kept me waiting for 20 minutes!! By the time I got in I felt rushed, not by him but by myself as my dad was waiting outside in the car for me.
tell me about it, i had my LO injections this mornin and she had them 45 mins after the appointment time..... by which time she was all bored (we have no toys at out surgery) and irritable and everyone was lookin at me as though i was a bad parent because she wouldnt sit still.... then we had to wait another 15mins after the injections and LO was very upset, and the snooty cow of a receptionist looked at me as if to say "cant you shut her up" .. :evil: :evil: if id have got my appointment on time she wouldnt of been so bl**dy bored :rotfl: ... if we were to turn up half hour late they'd be like :talkhand: x
I almost died of shock yesterday. I went to the xray dept at my hospital for my liverscan. we left with ages to spare as we didn't know how bad parking would be (its one way or the other with that place). Anyway, we parked up really quickly and where in the xray dept at 5.10 - my appointment was at 5.30.

Well anyway, we where back at the car for 5.40!! almost died of shock that it was all done so fast!!

My GP is always late. how late depends on his mood. He can be a bit of a talker. If he has loads of home visits and is chatty he can be ages. but there have been times when he has driven someone to hospital urgently as they have had no other way of getting there (he did it for my mum with my brother YEARS ago - she had no way of getting there so he drove my mum there).

He is great with alice (he isn't her gp - long story), even though she is scared of him :rotfl:
Tell me about it.....

I took my 13 week old baby for her 2nd lot of injections yesterday and by the time she'd sat in the tropically heated waiting room for 50 minutes, got herself worked up in a frenzy because she was sick of just looking at the same thing and she's too young to really play with anything she'd got rosy cheeks and was boiling hot despite me stripping her to her bare minimum of clothes. We finally got in to the see the nurse 45 minutes after our appointment and the nurse took one look at her and said she looked hot!!! She'd been in the boiling hot waiting room for nearly an hour woman :wall: :wall: She took her temperature said it was a degree warmer than it should be (frankly I'm suprised it wasn't higher) and told me she couldn't have her injections in case she was coming down with a cold and to go back on Friday if she hadn't got a cold :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

You would think that if you are injecting babies and small children you would at least make an effort to run on time know what little patience they have!!

The worst bit was is that I'd sat watching the woman chatting to the receptionist for 15 minutes after I arrived not realising that she was the one who was doing the injections :shakehead: :shakehead:
Chrissy1 said:
Tell me about it.....

I took my 13 week old baby for her 2nd lot of injections yesterday and by the time she'd sat in the tropically heated waiting room for 50 minutes, got herself worked up in a frenzy because she was sick of just looking at the same thing and she's too young to really play with anything she'd got rosy cheeks and was boiling hot despite me stripping her to her bare minimum of clothes. We finally got in to the see the nurse 45 minutes after our appointment and the nurse took one look at her and said she looked hot!!! She'd been in the boiling hot waiting room for nearly an hour woman :wall: :wall: She took her temperature said it was a degree warmer than it should be (frankly I'm suprised it wasn't higher) and told me she couldn't have her injections in case she was coming down with a cold and to go back on Friday if she hadn't got a cold :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

You would think that if you are injecting babies and small children you would at least make an effort to run on time know what little patience they have!!

The worst bit was is that I'd sat watching the woman chatting to the receptionist for 15 minutes after I arrived not realising that she was the one who was doing the injections :shakehead: :shakehead:

I had to have 3 appointments back to back when Connie had her first set. HV, my 6 week check and baby check by doc. Of course the first appontment with HV was running late so when I came out Connie was crying then the doc and the nurse both called me in at the same time. I went in to see the doc first then came out and went straight in with nurse for my 6 week check and of course was my blood pressure was high to which I snapped at her "I'm not surprised, I'm stood here with a screaming baby that wants a feed and all the appointments are running late". So because blood pressure was high she said I had hypertension (whatever that is) and wouldn't give me the pill so had to book another appointment to see the doctor for the next week :wall: :evil: . My blood pressure was fine at the next appointment :roll: .
Ive just been to the Drs this afternoon. My appointment was 3.45 and I finally got in to see the Dr at 4.30 and was in no longer then 10-15mins!! :roll:

There was a poor woman in with her little girl who was about 3 year old and the poor kid had nothing to do so was running around while all the other people waited sat and tutted at her. It got my back up cause the poor woman had been sat as long as me and there was nothing for the poor wee lass to do. Wasnt her fault the poor thing was bored. I was bored and im an adult!!

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