Why is he so skinny? :( *UPDATED AGAIN 14th MAY*

Glad he is going to see someone. I'm sure he is fine but at least he will be checked and made sure no problems. :hug: :hug: :hug:
At least you will get some answers soon.

Have some hugs and keep us updated on his progress. :hug: :hug: :hug:
sending hugs to you both :hug: :hug:
Hope he is seen quickly and this is sorted out hun :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: At least hes being seen now... and kids aren't always ill... my sister was and lost weight, and it turned out she had an immunological deficiency. Once my mum managed to get someone to pay attention to her, my sister got treatment and came on leaps and bounds :) Don't give up hun... just keep fighting for him... and his gorgeous eyes... :hug: :hug:
Squiglet said:
:hug: :hug: :hug: At least hes being seen now... and kids aren't always ill... my sister was and lost weight, and it turned out she had an immunological deficiency. Once my mum managed to get someone to pay attention to her, my sister got treatment and came on leaps and bounds :) Don't give up hun... just keep fighting for him... and his gorgeous eyes... :hug: :hug:

Thank you :hug: :hug:
Took him to see the GP this morning with an accurate weight like she asked me to. She looked at his chart and saw that he's gone from the 50th when he was born, slowly gone down as the months have passed and obviously ended up below the 2nd centile on Monday.

She says she isn't worried and that it's nothing to be concerned about. I said the HV told me it was a concern and he needs to be seen by a peadiatrician and she said 'Well the HV isn't a doctor and she doesn't have our expertise'

I nearly stormed out of the room. Why won't anybody listen to me? :wall:

People seem to forget that I already have one child and I've worked with many more, I know kids are always ill (I'm sick to death of people telling me that :roll: ) but not to the extent that Ryan is. Plus he never eats, and for the past few weeks he's been up screaming all night :(

What a waste of time :|
demand to see another GP... I've done it several times with Tia and I was ALWAYS proved right in the end... but my gods I had to really fight for it. If your GP is in a practice demand to see another GP.... its your right to seek a second opinion. I would go up at least once a week with Tia till the finally allowed me to see a different doctor and get a referral. :D If you know in your heart that theres something not right, the likelihood is that you are right... you're his mummy... you know him better than anyone and you have previous mummy experience :hug: :hug: :hug:
Squiglet said:
demand to see another GP... I've done it several times with Tia and I was ALWAYS proved right in the end... but my gods I had to really fight for it. If your GP is in a practice demand to see another GP.... its your right to seek a second opinion. I would go up at least once a week with Tia till the finally allowed me to see a different doctor and get a referral. :D If you know in your heart that theres something not right, the likelihood is that you are right... you're his mummy... you know him better than anyone and you have previous mummy experience :hug: :hug: :hug:

I agree.

hope someone listens to you soon :hug:
Hun I would also demand to be seen by a seperate GP.

Not to worry you but when Orans weight dropped they said ''we will weigh him again in 4 weeks and see if on the same line'' which he was and she said basically it should be a curve and it doesnt matter where this is on the chart as long as its stedily increasing, so for example (cant rem the centiles as dont have book) but say oran was 50th dropped to 25th then has stayed on 25th steidly just on the odd occasion wavering, she said if he was to be a downward curve then it would be a cause for concern and that if he were to keep loosing it would be a concern.

Does this make sense ^ tried to explain quickly as at work!

I hope you manage to get a 2nd opinion! Try some investigation online about children loosing weight and go in armed with print offs
aww Kirsty thats terrible. I ditto what others said, ask for another doctor to look at him and don't take no for an answer. Just cos the one you seen this morning is a doctor doesn't mean she is right 100% of the time. :hug: :hug:
Squiglet said:
demand to see another GP... I've done it several times with Tia and I was ALWAYS proved right in the end... but my gods I had to really fight for it. If your GP is in a practice demand to see another GP.... its your right to seek a second opinion. I would go up at least once a week with Tia till the finally allowed me to see a different doctor and get a referral. :D If you know in your heart that theres something not right, the likelihood is that you are right... you're his mummy... you know him better than anyone and you have previous mummy experience :hug: :hug: :hug:

i agree with squiglet - doctors are human and we all make mistakes. get a second opinion hon :hug: :hug: :hug:
I am so sorry hun, about your GP responce! I had LOADS of negative experience with GP's, and I seem to get better what is wrong with Daniel then they do!

The only advice would be just to INSIST on having an appointment with the pedeatrician! Its is your right as a mum and I dont think they can refuse you!

It took me a while not to listyen what "clever GP" is saying and trust my own feelings. And, as 99.99% of mums in the end I was right all the time!

I just hate when blasted doctors bully you into doing/not doing something!

Hope it will get better for little Ryan :hug:

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