Why do we feel sick??


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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I've noticed a few posts recently about people feeling sick. :puke:

Over the last couple of days I've had this too, along with period type pains. At first I thought it was because I'd eaten too much but today I just feel really weird and sickly. :puke: I find it noticable cos I never really suffer from sickness!!

I know it's nothing to be worried about and it'll just be another pregnancy side effect.... just wondered if anyone knows why we are starting to feel sick again in 3rd tri??? I like to know the reason for stuff, then it doesn't bother me as much (don't know if that makes sense!!!) :D
Hu hunny
im one of the im feeling bloody sick agian bragade

i found out its beacuse at this stage our little monkeys are laying down their fat stores
meaning they are taking more from us to make them selves look all chubby and cute.
leaves us feeling like s*** though :roll:

im compleatly sympthise hun
morning sickness every morning for me

hope yours disappears :pray: though ive heard in some it dosnt last to long
Thanks chick...that makes sense. :D

I hope your dissappears too...it's rubbish isn't it?? :hug: :hug:

I hate whinging about stuff but i just can't help it sometimes...my OH seems to get a different whinging story everyday!! Sickness is the recent one!! :roll:
im part of the sicky brigade too.
i have the period type pains too which i think is down to baby engaging.
I had a few weeks of sickness and period pains. It seems to be wearing off now thankfully.
I thought it was either hormones or everything getting squashed in there
Yep, me too!! Ive not had sickness at all through my pregnancy until now. Finding it hard to eat, thinking about food now is making me feel a bit icky! :oops: :puke:

I think ive had it quite lucky until recently though, so I cant complain.

Everything seems to have gone down hill in the third tri..but on a positive side of things...baby is nearly here so i'm happy!!!!! :) :) :D
I think it's to make sure you're used to the lack of dignity thing before labour. :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I think dignity is well and truely lost and definately will be after labour!!!!

As for too many mars bars..I never thought of that....I eat far too many sweets!!! :doh:
You are right ginnymarie!!

I've just got back from the midwife...she reckons it's due to a drop in blood sugar so eating little and often is supposed to help!!!

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