Why do I bother using the toilet ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Last night I woke up in the early hours for a pee, like I do every damn hour, so I went downstairs, did a pee, and as I was walking back up the stairs I could feel myself dribbling, so I quickly got back to the toilet and wiped myself down, then gingerly went up the stairs again, without leaking this time. Great, but then as I bent down to get into bed I started peeing again, not dribbling - PEEING!

Needless to say the bed sheets got replaced and the Bissel is coming out today for the carpets.

I sometimes wonder why I even bother going to the toilet when I ALWAYS leak afterwords.

Sorry, rant over, and if you were feeling sick, I probably haven't helped lol
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:hugs: I can totally sympathise :)

Oh the joys of being pregnant xx
Yep the joys of being pregnant I used to hate that when I was working it was very uncomfortable and embarrassing! Even more so when your caring for the elderly x
Have you been doing your pelvic f
Our exercises? I'm 35 weeks and not wanting to tempt fate but have not experienced this at all!! Doing your PF exercises now can also reduce the risk of tears during birth xx
I do my excercises but sometimes if I sneeze too hard a little wee escapes! My OH finds it hilarious!

:blue:Member Of Team Blue:blue:
I had to relent and go and buy some Tena Lady last weekend :shock:
snap. been like this for weeks. i do my pelvic floor but no good.
been wearing panty liners for weeks. its horrible i hate it.

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