why did you have a christening?


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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I'm trying to pluck up the courage to ring the priest to arrange Holly's christening. Me and oh are both catholic but don't go to church. I can't really explain why i want Holly christened but feel there must have been a reason we had to lose 3 little beans before Holly and that someone was watching over her and helped her through her exciting start to her little life and i want her to have that as she grows up. What will i say to the priest though?
I think you should say just that!!

Priest generally are very accepting and see it as a good thing that you want to get her christened!!

I know when we went to get married we just had to explain why we wanted to and we were honest. I think that's all you can be!

Hope it goes well xx
Well just rang and didn't have to explain why we wanted her christened yet but did have to admit that we haven't been to the church here. I have to go to mass and talk to him afterwards! Not sure if I will be able to persuade Hubby to come too but will give it a go!
That would have been tough, if we'd been asked why, I would have had to lie through my teeth! I'm Greek Orthodox, we're christening Vince Protestant like my OH, but neither of us is religious, he's doing it because he's the most conventional creature imaginable, and myself, because I like the look of a church. The vicar's face would have been a picture, he would have kicked us out in a second probably!
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My youngest nephew, who is one of my many godchildren lol, asked to be christened. It was lovely cos he chose his suit and his favourite hymns. I would prefer Albert to choose too.Hatch, match and dispatch are the only reasons I go to church but the church he would be christened in is where his Nana is buried. (She lives under the Saint's window and helps people who are sad :))
They'll be glad to make up the numbers and will welcome Holly with open arms.

I remember asking my mum to be christened when I was little and she said no, I'm still bitter about it the damn hippy lol!
Just need godparents now! Want my sister but she lives in Canada, don't know if she has to be there for the service or not. How much notice do you think we will need to give people? For the christening that is, not to be godparents!
I got an invitation on Saturday for a Christening on the 24th June, so what's that, 7 weeks?
I had my first christened as I was a single parent (it may seem odd lol) I felt that I wanted people to be such a part of Dylans life that if anything happened to me then they would be there for him. I was very open and frank with the priest and he was more than happy with my reasons.
We are going to wait until Riven is old enough to make his own decision about what he wants to do :)

I fully believe that he is being watched over by past generations anyway, my following is Pagan so ancestors are a huge deal to me.

im not getting Alyssa christened, neither me nor my oh are religious. i do believe in some things but im much more pagan than anything and dont practise anything at all. i fully believe my nan watches over us tho. if Lyssa wants to go to church and get christened when shes older then its up to her.
We're having Georgia christened because we want her to grow up in the church. And want God to guide her. If she accepts this when she's older then she'll have to declare this, sealing her faith. Xxx
None of my LO's are christened, we're not religious, I was brought up very religiously but im a firm believer that if you are going to get your LO christened you are commiting to taking that child to church until they are an adult. I see it pointless otherwise.

So many ppl get LO's christened just for the party or just because thats what ppl do, which I dont think is right tbh.


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