Whos name/names do you use?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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We're currently looking for a new flat.

At the moment, all our bills our in both our names, and we each have a seperate contract for the rent. This meant 2 sets of agency fees for references etc.

OH also needed a guarantor as he'd only been at his job for 6 months at the time.

Now that we're looking for a new flat, I am on MA and C'Benefit, my last job was temping for six months, and last perm job ended in June 2007. We're taking our current agency to court, so not sure if we'll get a reference from them either.

I was thinking it may be easier to have everything in OHs name? (We won't be claiming any c'tax discount or anything, just for ease of the tenancy).

Do you think this would be possible? How do you have these things laid out in your houshold?
We don't have a rental agreement (we really should get one sorted!) but it would be joint if we did - some agencies only charge one fee for 2 people being on it.

The bills are in both names where they asked but the rest are in my name but they are all linked to our joint bank account.

I wouldn't see it as being a problem (it being in his name) but be aware of your rights if something happened and you split up (not saying you will!) - if it was in his name then he would be liable for all the bills and whatever - and i'm not sure how the rest of it works..

sorry, i'm not much use am I! xx
We are both on the tenancy agreement, so both liable for the rent on the flat etc.

All the bills are in OH name and come out of a seperate bank account in which we both pay a set amount into to cover the bills. Except the gas as this is still on a meter so we top up as and when needed.

Any personal bills come out of our own bank accounts
We have a mortgage which is in both our names, the bills are mixed, we transferred different ones over from our own houses so gas, electric, water are in OH, tv, phone, sky are in mine, but they all come out the joint account.
We have a mortgage in both our names, but the bills are in either his, mine or both. We have a joint bank account so makes no difference.

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