Whos in a festive mood:)


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Are you all ready for Santy :cheer:
What have you got planned for the christmas period?

I'm feeling particularly festive, I love Christmas! We are all ready for Christmas now and are off to York (hubby's parents) on Christmas Eve and spending Christmas with them. We have a load of prezzies for Maddison, we have spoiled her a bit because we love Christmas time!!

Me!!! I'm always in a festive mood!!!
We have to visit 4 families over Christmas! Both our parents are split so we have a busy one!

Would be nice to have some relax time for Angel's first Christmas.
meeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I love christmas!!

I have spent the last two days having a proper christmas clean so the house is all sparkly clean for Santa coming!!

I am now sat down with my winter spiced candle burning and my chrimbo tree all lit up and it is fab!
me me me !!! **jumps up and down with her hand in air**

and elf is on at 6.15 woopwoop... soo excited, ive been having the christmas clean up while i have energy... wrapped some pressies, finished the christmas shopping (I think!!) guna sit down and write some cards on while elf is on I think...i cant believe its not long till santy comes!!
I will be when the kids finnish school. It never feels like christmas while i still have the dreaded school run to do.

After friday though, its spirit all the way. Starting with baileys....
ME :wave: I LOVE Christmas and I can not wait :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I am watching elf tonight and going to get the last few pressies wrapped and write the cards for people at work! I have my works Christmas meal next Saturday night! and only 7 more working days to work Whooooooo!! :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance:
I'm starting to feel a bit more Christmassy now my due date has been and gone! We've all our pressies wrapped and ready to go and I just can't wait till Christmas eve, it's going to be soooo magical! :cheer:
Im soooooooo EXCITED!!!!!! Christmas officaially begins when i finsh work at 2pm on thursday!

Im having a xmas party at mine on xmas eve for all my neices and nephews and then xmas morning me and ryan are gonna open presents from me in bed, he can play with his new toys while i get dressed then ill be getting him dressed and heading to my mums for ryan to open the millions of presents he will no doubt get lol
i really wanna be in the christmas spirit but all i can think about is whens blake going to pop out lol
I loveeeeeeeeee Christmas!!! Im so looking forward to it this year :cheer: (had a shit christmas last year the the year before...family deaths and DOOM but its all finished now i hope :pray: )

Plus this year there is now 4 of us :cheer: and we're going to have christmas dinner at home together instead of going round to mine or OH's parents house so im cooking (which im all excited about...and i dont have see MIL nearly ALL DAY!!)

Its my birthday on Friday, then we have a panto to see on the 23rd, then IT'S CHRIIITTSSSMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS /does excited dance :dance:
I'm starting to look forward to it! Aaron is so excited this year which makes it brill! I can't wait for xmas eve when we'll bake cookies for santa and watch xmas films, shame my dh has to work though! We're having presents at ours in the morning, then my mum and brother are coming over with their gifts. Then we'll pile over to my mum's for xmas dinner and get fat :lol: Boxing day we're going over to the MIL's for an hour and then back to my mum's for an boxing day buffet!
I'm feeling very festive this year (makes a nice change)

On Saturday I bought a little set of battery operated fairy lights and pimped james' ride :rotfl: it looked lovely when we walked home from town in the dark.

Must admit though he did look cute in his santa hat and a buggy all lit up - looked like santa in his sleigh. Trouble is OH wouldn't let me buy reindeer antlers for the older two else they would have been walking in front of the buggy attached with bungee ropes (they did want to lol)

Sarah xxx
This weekend I started to feel festive and now the feeling's kicked in and staying wheeee!
We fly home on Christmas eve which methinks means it's ok to wear my Santa hat in the plane regardless of my OH's embarrassment :wink:
Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Only i am stuck in the office for another hour and a half with fuck all to do while my boss sits there with fuck all to do, just because he can! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

I think he has the spirit or Scrooge instead of the spirit of Christmas!!

To be honest, I'm not feeling very Christmassy. I was woken by my dad moaning at me to tell my mum he needs money.. Don't see why they can't sort it themselves.

Then I said I had a migraine (which I actually did) and he was like 'ohh since when have you been getting migraines' in this really snotty voice as if I was lying :evil:

Besides the point, the Christmas feeling isn't very strong right now, it's getting boring as I grow :talkhand:

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