Who wants to ask Zoltar a Q?

Holly have you asked him questions about yourself? Just curious, ahhhhh I want to ask but dont want to feel poop for the rest of the evening hehe x
nurse_sarah said:
Holly have you asked him questions about yourself? Just curious, ahhhhh I want to ask but dont want to feel poop for the rest of the evening hehe x

yes, we asked him if i was pregnant before i got my bfp and he said yes, then when i started having problems i asked if i would have a baby in april and he said no, i kept asking but everytime it was negative - but we asked him if we would have a baby girl in july 2009 and would i get pregnant in october and he said yes and was really positive.

So my advice is only ask a q that you can handle a negative answer to.

I know its justa toy but tbh he hasnt been wrong yet :? :?
Ok just ask him....I know ill prob cry if its a negative but never mind, Q - Will I get a bfp next month?
nurse_sarah said:
Ok just ask him....I know ill prob cry i its a negative but never mind, Q - Will I get a bfp next month?

clouds of uncertainty again! this doesnt mean no though!!!
Ok lets go with what Cheri said - will I be pregnant in November? sorry you dont have to ask it twice if you dont want to

Heh I may do the same as you Sarah!

Cheri said Concieve or Find out July... wrong! So will I get pregnant in November and be DUE July?

Thanks HollyHobbs :hug: :hug:
Ooh can you ask 'will Cheri be right with my prediction?' please. Thank you in advance :hug: :hug:
Oooooo this is fun!

Can you ask if I will be pregnant before October 08?

Thanks xx
nurse_sarah said:
Ok lets go with what Cheri said - will I be pregnant in November? sorry you dont have to ask it twice if you dont want to


it will be as you wish!
KittyMom said:
Heh I may do the same as you Sarah!

Cheri said Concieve or Find out July... wrong! So will I get pregnant in November and be DUE July?

Thanks HollyHobbs :hug: :hug:

so you seek an honest answer? i feel intensly positive about this :dance: :dance:
Holly what does that mean honey? it will be as i wish? I wish to be pregnant this month hehe

Snuggle said:
Ooh can you ask 'will Cheri be right with my prediction?' please. Thank you in advance :hug: :hug:

the stars say no but i say yes!!!

(there are around 50 answers on zoltar, its weird how this one keeps coming up :) )
andreaaa said:
Oooooo this is fun!

Can you ask if I will be pregnant before October 08?

Thanks xx

the stars say no but i say yes!!!

(officially freaked now, we've had zoltar for over a year and he NEVER repeats himself!!!)
nurse_sarah said:
Holly what does that mean honey? it will be as i wish? I wish to be pregnant this month hehe


it means a yes basically :dance: :dance:

of you wish the question to be true then it is as you wish - if you wish the question true it will be, if you wish the question fasle it will be - so you have to believe it to be true :hug:
Oh i see, I want to be pregnant this month you see, so if I wanted the Cheri reading to be false ( as i want to be pregnant now) it will be false? Or am I missing the point because im a plonker?

HollyHobby said:
skairdykat said:
Ooo is it like Zoltar out of the film 'Big'?

My Q is
Will I be pregnant before Christmas 2008?

Lol yes thats him! seek your fortune, zoltar fortune teller! I'll take a pic of him in a bit.

Anwyay your reply: I'm not telling you anything unless you say please! (thats zoltar not me!!) - oh yes!!! :dance:

LOL Please Zoltar will I be PG before Christmas?
Ooo and going off Cheri she said JULY and if I fall in October then I'll be due in July.

Can you ask him if I will get my BFP in October please?
nurse_sarah said:
Oh i see, I want to be pregnant this month you see, so if I wanted the Cheri reading to be false ( as i want to be pregnant now) it will be false? Or am I missing the point because im a plonker?


I would wish for the prediction to be true, then you have 2 predictions on your side, what's meant to be will be :hug:

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