who still enjoys making whoopy?


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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Im seriously on the boil at the moment
i want to make love to James all the time as soon as he comes home i cant leave him alone
you'd think id be to tired for it but im not
i think james was hoping my more active :wink: nature would wain during pregnancy and it did at 4 to 5 months but now wow i want to rip his clothes off

He's like get off women :shakehead:

i think he goes back to work just to get away from me and have a rest :rotfl:

its actually quite annoying now as James isnt here more then half the time and im so frustrated.

weired im feeling like this i thought making love would be right out the window being preggers but im even worse now

im not the only one am i???
should i go to sex addication classes like Mercadies in Hollyoaks :think: :rotfl:
Not me.

We haven't had sex since conception and I am NOT at all bothered about it (which is very unlike me normally) :oops:

We tried once but it felt too weird for both of us cos we were kind of thinking about Connieeeeee....
would much rather sleep :oops: i make an effort every now and then but no jumping OH as he walks through the door here!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
only like making whoopy for eviction purposes at the moment!

Thats not to say I don't enjoy it anymore, I do. Just never feel like doing it much to OH's dismay. Though he's had more in the past few days, than in the past 6 months :rotfl:
I really can't be arsed, far too tired and feel like a hippo :lol:
very uncomfy for me

really went off it esp after the m/c, meant first few months it was out of bounds, feels weird having 3 involved ?

you are lucky to have such energy hun x
I havnt had sex since 24 weeks :( this is not outta choice though, and if i was still with baby daddy i'd still very much be after it all the time!!

I've always had a high sex drive, it went a little in first tri, but then again i didnt have anyone offering me it either lol.

Now i feel like im missing out!!!
I've not been in the mood since we tried it at about 5 months and the baby started kicking :shock: it really freaked us out!!!!
i was still enjoying sexy-time until the end... (altho not while actually in labour!)......now a week later i still want to emotionally but my ladybits arent ready :wall: plus one of us is always holding the baby atm which would make it a bit wrong! :lol:
gymbabeliz said:
i was still enjoying sexy-time until the end... (altho not while actually in labour!)......now a week later i still want to emotionally but my ladybits arent ready :wall: plus one of us is always holding the baby atm which would make it a bit wrong! :lol:

im glad im not the only one i was starting to think i was a sex mad nutter :rotfl: :rotfl:

Claire :hug: Im sure in the not to distant future you will meet a lovely caring sexy man who is deserving of you attention. and you will have lots of whoopy
your a lovely lass 8)
LMAO... what a funny thread! :lol:

Id say i do it once a week..... sometimes im like.... Grrrrrrrrr, come ere.........!!!
and other times im like....... Zzzzzzzzzzz! :sleep:

must admit tho, its bloody uncomfortable.... no matter what position!!!!

Geordie lass...... Bet my fella wishes i had your sex drive!!!! :rotfl:
No whoopy whatsoever :(
But my vibrator needs new batteries :rotfl:
kalia said:
No whoopy whatsoever :(
But my vibrator needs new batteries :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl:
ive never used one before
may get one :think: :lol:

ZOBO My Oh would like me to have YOUR SEX DRIVE
he likes his sleep boring old man :shakehead: :roll: :rotfl:
though when we do do it WOW he's good :wink: :wink: :cheer: :cheer: :hug: :rotfl:
I wish I had your energy sarah....by 9pm I'm like... :sleep:
I'd quite happily have sex all day, but it seems to hurt at the front of my bump like baby is trying to escape from the thrusting (sorry tmi :oops: ) and we've had to stop a few times.

And then that puts OH off as he doesn't want to hurt me :roll:
I was rampant in second tri. Now I am in too much pain. I am going to have to get over it though, this baby needs eviciting!
Well... I've made whoopy 3 nights in a row, and I'm still here!!!

its not workingggggggggggggggg :wall: :wall:

Please come out baby :pray: :pray:
:cry: :cry: :cry: I cant do it anymore, its too awkward!! OH isnt keen either so I have to bribe him to get some LOL

I feel so hippo like too so I cant really get into it. Roll on being normal again!!!!!
My vibe on the other hand gets plenty of use :dance:
My sex drive is pretty high too sarah. I had 1 week where it kind of died for me a little...But OH was ok, as he got some rest lol

I have SPD though, so spoons is now the only truly comforatbel position. Missionary and on top would be stupid to even try.

OH went through a time of feeling strange because there is a baby in here. But, it makes sex feel more special for me. Especially as, my sons dad left me when I was a couple of months. So, sex at this stage feels like a treat :D

Can't say how I will feel as SPD gets worse. Plus, umbilical hernia is increasingly playing up....so may be joing the ranks of the celibate soon :( :shock: :D

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