Who is Team Green and why?


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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I was just wondering out of those of you that have chose to stay team green. what made you make the decision not to find out?

I'm just curious, I think I want to know whether we're team pink or blue, but now I'm having a couple of doubts.
I think I am gonna get the lady to write it down so we can see it when we want too because she said she would be doing my 20 week scan the same one who did my 12week one and she was really nice.....My OH isnt worried about knowing he says whatever I am happy with he is...and he does say I will be looking at that bit of paper well before I get to the car! :D
We've stayed team green. Mainly because it is our first, we don't care either way so long as we have a happy health baby, it's such a brilliant surprise when you give birth to find out what your having and it stops me manicly shopping and spending al our money on baby clothes.

I'm glad we've stayed team green but it was tough when the sonographer said she could be 100% sure what the baby was. Oh well, we're going to have to wait until July!!!!!

Alex xxx
ASD123456 said:
We've stayed team green. Mainly because it is our first, we don't care either way so long as we have a happy health baby, it's such a brilliant surprise when you give birth to find out what your having and it stops me manicly shopping and spending al our money on baby clothes.

I'm glad we've stayed team green but it was tough when the sonographer said she could be 100% sure what the baby was. Oh well, we're going to have to wait until July!!!!!

Alex xxx

Just noticed your ticker Alex!! :cheer:

I'm not going to be team green if baby co-operates and opens his/her legs (although this will be the only time I will allow such a thing to happen until they are 21!) but I just wanted to say that I totally admire those who stay team green, if I had the willpower I would have done it, just knowing I can find out but don't is something I cannot do!!

we have stayed team green cos i can't keep secrets. But i didn't want to know that much anyway so was hapy to agree with DH to stay green.

we had our scan on wednesday last week and i think even if we wanted to know baby didn't cooperate when i was lookinga at the screen (lets hope that modesty contnes into the teen years).

We're team green because our health board won't tell you the sex and OH doesn't want to know. Got to the stage where I don't want to know either - one of life's last true surprises!
For us it was about being able to surprise people when LO arrives. Telling everyone what we are having before hand and having them ask names, and then probably ending up telling those also, kind of felt like an anti climax.

So many people I know told me and others what they were having and what names that once baby arrived and we knew Mum and LO were doing well all there was to ask was 'How much does s/he weigh?' and it felt like a bit of a let down. I missed the joy of finding out at the end. So we decided to not do that with our own children.
I stayed team green with DS because I wanted the surprise when s/he was born. OH was dead set on not finding out, which was good because I would have probably caved in when the sonographer asked if we wanted her to tell us!

I loved not knowing, it made it really special because OH was the first to look & then tell me we had a little boy.

I now really don't want to find out next time but OH has said he may want to... We'll see who's stronger!
We have stayed team green. I am very happy that we have.

I would be shopping like a mad person if I knew now. Once bubs is born, I can buy the right clothes for the whether at the time, know what size to get and simply enjoy filling the house with pink or blue.

I love the surprise of the midwife being able to tell me what I have. It was an amazing moment with my son and cannot be topped. The sonographer telling me would not have been the same.

Like daftscotlass said: One of lifes last true surprises!

It is only 50/50 anyway lol...So at least there can be no big shocks lol (well maybe, but we wont got there!)
I have to find out as Im so impatient and also as I have limited time after baby before my weddng I wanna be able to get their outfits prepared in advance as I'll be too busy after. But that being said I totally agree with sherlock about ruining the excitment of telling people 'We've had a BOY/GIRL!!!' so for that reason Im gonna try REALLY hard to keep it just between me and my OH so we can still reveal it to everyone else once they arrive, I just hope people respect that but I know they will be pestering me to find out so I may just say we couldnt findout to get them off my back cos Im awful at keeping secrets!! :wall:
we stayed team green because this is our first baby!

I think it spoils the fun when people know the sex.. as when you have your baby, people can only ask "how much did they weigh"

whereas if they dont know what your having, it makes it so much exciting, waiting for the news on what sex!!!

when my best friend went into hospital, i was on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what she had!!!

next time tho i would definatly find out the sex!!
I agree with most of the posters here.

When they hand you that little bundle of joy and say (for example) "it's a boy".... and all you can reply is "I know"..... what an anticlimax!!!

It may seem like you want to know "now" because you can, but at the end of the day, you'll be glad you wait if you do :)
Because of the anti-climax thing, we are not going to tell anyone else when we find out. Not even sure whether I'm going to announce it here, in case there is someone I know on here and they work out who I am. I have always referred to the baby as 'it' and will continue on doing so I don't let the gender slip. I just like the thought of having a secret between my OH and I. My sister performs ultrasounds for a living and is desperate to be able to see a picture so she can work it out (she's already guessed girl based on the 12 week scan :roll: ) but I don't want her to know. I'm sure I'll think of a nice way of putting that by the time my 20 week scan comes :?
I stayed team green as I didn't want to know what I am having, It spoils the surprise if u know most of the way through I think

Also my hospital don't tell u
I always thought i'd find out because this will be our second. But we've decided to stay team green for the surprise factor, dh likes to do the 'its a boy/girl phone call'! Also, i'd be scared of them getting the sex wrong! xx
We have stayed team green because its our first baby and i just think the anticipation of finding out builds the excitement over the 9 months and i think being handed our baby and told ITS A BOY or ITS A GIRL at the same time as we hold our baby for the first time will make the wait and curiosity worth it!!

I cannot wait!!

i didnt have a choice about staying team green at my 20 week scan cos she wasnt playing along, having to pay for the scan to find out just made me certain i wanted to know, plus i'll still be nervous as to whether she comes out femail anyway.
If you've got the will power to stay green then great but i couldnt do it, i like to plan lol
We've stayed green with all three of ours, although I was fairly sure my little Rosie was going to be a girl at the end because I had an emergency scan and the doctor scanning me asked 'how old is your first daughter?'

I love the surprise at the birth! I also love trying to guess! To me, finding out would be a bit like opening my Christmas presents early; I wouldn't want to name the baby before it was born simply because it may not suit the name that we'd chosen once we met her/him.

I went to visit my friend the other day who is due in a few weeks time and she has her little girl named and everything, and when she talked about her she used her name - it sounded very alien to me as our babies have just been called 'baby' or their fetus names (they've all had those).

I guess it's individual choice.
[quote="]To me, finding out would be a bit like opening my Christmas presents early; [/quote]

I do that already :oops:

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