aiden stayed with his gran last night, first time he's stayed overnight elsewhere since he was about 6 weeks or so.
when we went to collect him today he seemed a bit different and we went straight to chapel. apparantly he was up SIX times through the night and oh's mum kept giving him bottles
totally not like him as he always sleeps through and he knows when his 4 feeds are etc.
so we get to chapel (he's always really good through chapel, sits and plays with his toys.. and he started getting restless, nothing would calm him down.. then he started SQUEALING!! i was so shocked bc he never does that! i tried to cuddle him but he wouldn't stop, so i carried him out - and he stopped
so we're sitting on the couch now, and he's SHATTERED.. his eyes are rolling, and oh lay him down to have a nap, and he started the squealing again
like screaming his head off. so we sat him up again to see what was wrong and he stopped.. he just doesn't want to go to sleep
i can't believe he's started doing this, throwing wee tantrums, i didn't think that started till they were at least 1
when we went to collect him today he seemed a bit different and we went straight to chapel. apparantly he was up SIX times through the night and oh's mum kept giving him bottles

so we get to chapel (he's always really good through chapel, sits and plays with his toys.. and he started getting restless, nothing would calm him down.. then he started SQUEALING!! i was so shocked bc he never does that! i tried to cuddle him but he wouldn't stop, so i carried him out - and he stopped

so we're sitting on the couch now, and he's SHATTERED.. his eyes are rolling, and oh lay him down to have a nap, and he started the squealing again

i can't believe he's started doing this, throwing wee tantrums, i didn't think that started till they were at least 1