Who got implantation bleeding and what was it like?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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As title really. Yesterday was 6 days from 14th - the day I BDed when I had clear stretchy EWCM and I had been dry for two days (think yesterday was my 2nd day of no CM at all, even after peeing - TMI) but I noticed in the afternoon some CM! But with a strange sort of pale pink colour. I put a pad on and checked later and sure enough, there was a small patch of pale pink colour - defo not white, defo not brown and defo not red.

The day before this I had been feeling AWFUL. My legs and back were killing me, I felt drained of energy, off my food and just icky. Felt a bit better yesterday but twinges were still ongoing - have been for about 2 weeks.

Had some mild cramping/short sharp pangs around my left side yesterday before and after seeing the CM. Boobs still swollen, veins still visible...Back still aches etc etc.

Just wondering whether this is too early or too hopeful to consider it possible implantation?

Also my stomach felt odd last night, like I had a bubble like bulge under my skin on the left side and I felt really bloated, it was too uncomfortable to lay on my side or stomach, had to sleep on my back all night.

Testing in 5 days - would you now say this is too early? I had planned to test on the 26th about 3 days ago.

x x
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No its not too early its the average time to get it! so looking good hun.

I never got implantation bleeding xxx
Thanks hun! So nervous! I keep thinking I must have been seeing things and trying to make it a teeny weeny detail but I can't ignore the pangs in my stomach or the cramping on my left side.

How's the pregnancy going? x x
Just wishing you all the best for your test result :D I'd be doing one now if it was me.. I'm rubbish at waiting! And if you think you may have had implantation already then your hCG levels will be on the up and up ;)
I think I had implantation bleeding, although more than you have said... waiting a few weeks before seeing midwife though, don't want to make it TOO real just in case (see other posts for long story as to why I'm full of doom an gloom :rofl: ). Have had bfp from docs so all good so far.

I'd say do a test now :D But then I'm just impatient. If you do do one... even a very faint line ( as long as you read the test within the time frame) can be a good indicator.. it was for me ;) A line is a line no matter how faint apparently! But also if you get a neg then try again in a few days... it might have been hat your hCGs were still a bit low for the test to pick up.

Keeping everything crossed for you and hoping you join us in Tri 1 soon ;)
Relax now and let nature do the rest :) its going great hun...just cant wait to go for an early scan to hear the heartbeat :) Thanks for asking xxx
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FallingStar - I'm so tempted to drive to the local Co-Op but I'm so so exhausted! Every little thing I do is making me lose breath and feel like I just want to collapse, I'm yawning constantly - I've had to start crawling up the stairs cos I ache so much and get lightheaded! x x

Shauna - Trying to relax but can't for the reasons above, strangely enough! I went to the loo, walked into my bedroom and just crashed out on the bed lol. I haven't overdone anything as I've been feeling like this since around the day before possible IB.

So pleased to hear PG is going well hunny, it's so exciting!! x x
No prob, hope to join you all in Tri 1 soon girls, only 5 days to test though I have a sneaky suspicion I will be POAS a little sooner! Especially if I take advantage of a BOGOF offer... :p x x

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