Who else is at 17/18 weeks & has no symptoms & felt no movement?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
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Just need reassurance I'm not the only one! Got dopplar arriving Monday and now getting paranoid that not going to hear hb ..
I have been exactly the same I'm now 20 weeks and got a Doppler. I've started to feel little movements now. Looking forward to my scan on Wednesday xxx
Thanks Belle...hope I'm the same. I have an anterior placenta so maybe that accounts for lack of movement? Plus I've read that there tends to be a 'honeymoon' period around this time where all symptoms disappear so fingers crossed. Hope your scan goes well!xx
I wanted to post the same thing this morning! I just don't feel pregnant at all and I've given up with my Doppler as its just stressing me out!
I think it's normal to feel like this, it's kinda like limbo after hearing heartbeat at 16 week midwife appt and waiting on 20 week scan.
Hopefully we'll all start to feel movement soon to reassure us x
Glad I'm not alone! I'm sure our scans will be fine :-) Mine is 2 weeks Tues..can't wait!! X
I have no idea where my placenta is lol. But I have had it quite easy so far which worries me but there's a strong heartbeat when I listen with Doppler which is lovely just gotta hope for all healthy when I go on Wednesday xx
I felt like that at 17 weeks and went to see doc as I felt not pregnant anymore (and had had 3 mc's before). No movement and stomach didn't feel the same. All was fine and as it should be and Holly was doing great. try not to worry but if youo can't get it out of your head just go and see doc to get reassurance, made me feel loads better
i had no movement at all til 23 weeks. i have anterior placenta and even now she can move and i dont always feel it but my OH can feel it from the outside lol. i found having a doppler the best thing ever
I am 20 weeks and I am not always getting loads of movement. Sometimes I get a little fluttering feeling in my stomach but not every day. I am sure that it just start at different times for different people, so try not to worry roo much.
its onyl teh last week ive had constant movement and some parts of the day are soo quiet its worrying x
Thanks girls :-) I'm not worrying too much as I know there's no point but am very grateful for the reassurance and can't wait to get the dopplar!! I still find pregnancy so disconcerting as always assumed I would feel pregnant all the time!

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