which pregnancy tests


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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just wondering, has anyone used cheapies and got a negative, yet tested the same day and got a positive with a different test, please some advice on which tests? over 2 weeks late and still BFN i am trying very hard to keep positive, but its becoming very difficult lol.
shelly x
every person finds different tests better than others hun its trial and error the best positive i had was on a sainsburys own brand that gave me the strongest line 4 days before af was due xxxxxxxx
I'm same as Rach, Sainsbury's own brand, its about £6 for two, was a much clearer result than the clearblue for me.
i used a cb digital and a first response, thought the first response was great, was really clear. Im not sure i trust the cheapies 100 pct....
I thought all pregnancy tests where the same!! just the likes of clear blue were the 'designer' ones. lol. (with exception of the really early ones)
I used a home and bargin £3 one! was clear as day. :) and yep, im indeed pregnant.
i used cheapies and all i gotwere dud tests or really really feint lines that you had to hold out to light and squint to see,goto say best test i did was cb digital :D
I got 10mui ones off ebay (ultra sensitive) and were rubbish!! I used a tesco's own brand and a deep pink line appeared in seconds!! Was amazed!! saw it before it had filled the space with pee lol!!
I highly recommend tescos! Plus they are soooo cheap!! CB arent great i had a bfn with them as well as 10miu and 25miu cheapyebay ones!! All on the same day!! Tesco one was half way thru the day so it wasnt even fmu!
I was a true peestickaholic!! U may see my chart still on chartstalkers? lots of hpts lol!!
Good luck honey i hope u get ur bfp soon!
the ones you got off ebay, were they the ONE STEP strips? i got those, pack of ten for a few pounds but im now wondering how accurate they actually are :think:
I tested with an Ebay one to begin with that gave me my initial BFP.

Then I double checked using First Response Early and the line was really strong. Then tested AGAIN (paranoia lol) with a Clearblue and although it was ++++ is wasnt as clear as the other two I tried.
its so difficult when there are different results for diff tests...i guess its like most products though, everyone is different.. :wall:
shrinkin.violet said:
the ones you got off ebay, were they the ONE STEP strips? i got those, pack of ten for a few pounds but im now wondering how accurate they actually are :think:
I think they were.. id only trust the 25miu ones..the ultra sensitive are useless!! Didnt detect after 5 BFPs and a week later!!
Just get tescos own or sainsburys own.. i found Clear blues results too hard to see and very faint compared to the rest.

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