Which matress to buy?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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Hi there

Altho bubs will be in moses basket for a few months, we have also bought a cot for baby for their room. Any advice on which matress to buy - I have looked on the net and seen a few different options and wondered if anyone could recommend a partiuclar type?


BF x
We got a standard foam one that came with the cot, and a standard moses basket one from mothercare for the moses basket. Don't spend too much on the moses basket one as they'll only be in it for a few weeks if anything like the size of Ryan :)
we also just got a foam one and a good mattress protecter to keep it dry from leaky nappies
I got a foam one for James and will again for the new baby.
I think because they're so light they don't really need an expensive sprung mattress. The foam one's are usually wipe clean too which is useful for leaky nappies and sick. I also like the fact that if the mattress gets really grotty it's not a big deal to throw it out and buy a new one for £30.

Will buy an expensive sprung mattress when baby goes into it's proper bed (with a good mattress protector)
I got the same one as Babylicious - have a cot bed so intend to use it all the way through.
If you're getting a cot bed it's probably worth spending a bit more cos you'll get a few years use out of it :D
Thanks for your advice everyone.
Will go matress shopping after xmas!!
BF x

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