Which formula?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2006
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Hi everyone, was just wondering what the best formula would be. I was thinking of getting some just so i can give my LO a botttle in the afternoon as he is constantly on my breast. He really doesn't seem to be his little contented self and is also missing naps which is making him grouchy.
Yeh i think if i can bring myself to give it him i'll get that one. Just feel that i need to carry on with breastfeeding, it's just hard sometimes.
when i was bf cause madi was never satisfed(sp)

i used to put her to each breast for 20mins then top her up with formula
i started off on Aptimal, but alice was sick loads!

OH brought a tub of sma one day by mistake, but we decided to try her on it anyway, and she drank more and kept it all down.

then she started getting really constipated, so we have swapped to cow and gate. This seems to be working great! her poo is lovely and runny again, and she is taking enough as she is gaining weight.

ive heard aptimal is meant to be closet to breast milk :think:
Well we've tried -
SMA Gold
SMA White
Farley 2nd
Farleys Soya
Cow & Gate Comfort
SMA Staydown
:roll: Bloody HV

Without all Rowans probs I'd go for the SMA Gold everytime but Staydown is working at the moment :D
I use SMA gold and Jake has been fine on it but I'm sure that they are all the same really so just use what you want and see how your little one goes on it.
Miracle babe said:
Well we've tried -
SMA Gold
SMA White
Farley 2nd
Farleys Soya
Cow & Gate Comfort
SMA Staydown
:roll: Bloody HV

Without all Rowans probs I'd go for the SMA Gold everytime but Staydown is working at the moment :D

coor! are there any left to try!
I use Cow and Gate 1 and Zac loves it. We started on SMA Gold, but it made him terribly constipated so personally I wouldnt recommended that.

However, all babies are different and you will find one that suits yours!

Good luck xxx
Jaidy said:
I use Cow and Gate 1 and Zac loves it. We started on SMA Gold, but it made him terribly constipated so personally I wouldnt recommended that.

However, all babies are different and you will find one that suits yours!

Good luck xxx

sorry forgot to pm u back - i swapped alice to c& g and her poo's are lovely and runny again! thanks for your advise :hug:
I have just used SMA all the time. Was SMA Gold, but now on to the SMA 6mths
i use cow and gate premium... i used to use sma gold but i didn't find it very good
i use cow and gate 1st one, and tbh im impressed that his poo hasnt really changed consistency from breast to formula, its still pretty runny and not really smelly like i was expecting

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