Hi girls
I know it is a bit too early yet, but want to think in advance.
When we will start potty train Daniel I want to start using reusable nappies, preferably organic cotton ones.
Which ones would you reccomend? I want him to feel the wetness as soon as he wees, but I dont want any leackage staright away. Does it makes sence? I will change him as soon as I notice, but I will need some time (5-10mins?)
I found this website http://www.twinkleontheweb.co.uk/acatal ... ppies.html Anything good there?
Thanks for replies girls

I know it is a bit too early yet, but want to think in advance.
When we will start potty train Daniel I want to start using reusable nappies, preferably organic cotton ones.
Which ones would you reccomend? I want him to feel the wetness as soon as he wees, but I dont want any leackage staright away. Does it makes sence? I will change him as soon as I notice, but I will need some time (5-10mins?)
I found this website http://www.twinkleontheweb.co.uk/acatal ... ppies.html Anything good there?
Thanks for replies girls
