Thanks everyone for the suggestions! Going to take a look and see which ones might work better for me ☺️
Sweets2018 - I don’t mind at all! I had a lot of pain in one hand and wrist, which I had assumed was due to ongoing problems after a fracture but it turned out to be rheumatoid arthritis. So essentially the trauma of the fracture triggered my immune system to attack that joint, which was very helpful of it. My whole hand and wrist was swollen, very hot to the touch, and extremely painful. It’s not typical for it to present in one joint, it’s normally in multiple joints. I went to a specialist expecting surgery to fix the damage, ended up having some blood tests which happened to throw up some cause for concern. Eventually diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, which looking back made a lot of sense! I was permanently exhausted which is fairly typical with RA, but I had put it all down to work stress and hadn’t really paid attention to it. I was very lucky to have access to private healthcare, because if I’d had to go on an NHS waiting list the damage to my hand and wrist would have been irreversible and I’d be having a wrist replacement right about now.
I’m now on medication and it’s all fine, just have to keep an eye out to make sure that the immunosuppressants are doing their job to prevent it spreading to other joints and causing damage in the future. But I’ll be on these for life. Have made sure I’m on stuff which is safe during pregnancy, which is good, but it obviously creates complications in terms of being extra careful about infection control, which I will have to be extra careful of if/when I manage to become pregnant.