where's your baba kicking???


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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i was just wondering where your baba is kicking... mine little girl seems to be kicking my right side all the time she loves the right side on my tummy :D

but i would like to know where yours is :hug:
Everywhere :lol:
Today he's been really busy, kicking and who knows what else all over, from his excited jiggly ones to quick fast movements, he seems to be reacting so much more to the 'outside' world now, voices and music, it's so much fun :cheer:
Usually movements and jitters on my left, but kicks and prods all over......these days however, the wriggles are at the top of my bump where her bum is :rotfl: wriggling her bum into the bottom of my rib cage seems to be a good game for her :rotfl:
baby moves at the top of my bump to where bump is since the head engaged baby wriggles bum more.
baby seems to kick really low down most of the time, in the pelvic area. still having quiet days, is this normal??? everyone else seems to have much higher up feelings!
seeing Doctor next week so will check things out then, dont have M/W to ask over here.
All normal Tuck......don't worry, when I was at your stage Libby still had quiet days (a thing of the past now it seems :rotfl: ).

I guess the feelings I get higher up is because, like Marchmama, her head is engaged so the top of my bump is where her bum is, so every time she moves - her bum/ hips move.

i usually get kicked upwards as his head is down but he likes to kick anywhere....Also get lots of punches lower down

tuck its only been in past couple of weeks kicks have got higher..I used to get a lot going through my bits
thanks for that girls, I was getting a bit worried, the other night it felt like baby was kicking inwards if you know what I mean and they really hurt, luckily there were only a few but even so! :|
I've had a few painful ones too....usually the ones 'aimed at' my hip bones or my ribs. Your baby still has enough room to turn around and upside down so you'll probably get kicks in all sorts of places until he/ she gets too big to turn round as much...... :hug:
mine have been on either side; this week mostly on the right- when i saw MW on thursday i asked how the baby was lying and she said transverse with her head on the right. so she must have been punching me not kicking me!
my bubba seems to kick everywhere, he keeps putting his butt cheeks in my ribs all the time (well i think its his butt anyway) or he moves his whole body around and that is really uncomfy!!! lol
Redshoes said:
Everywhere :lol:
Today he's been really busy, kicking and who knows what else all over, from his excited jiggly ones to quick fast movements, he seems to be reacting so much more to the 'outside' world now, voices and music, it's so much fun :cheer:

This sounds exactly like my day! :D
Fun day for you too then Hellokitty :D hehe

Wish I knew what 'kick'was what, I mean, I guess the strong ones are his legs as I'm assuming his legs have more kick hehe Do you start to just know what's bumping you from inside, which body part I mean, be it leg, arm, bum hehe
Mine seems to lie on the right side quite a bit but I get kicks all over. Me and OH were watching my belly yesterday and it was moving all over. I start giggling when I see my bump twitching, its so weird :lol:

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