Wheres my baby gone??


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2008
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Shes pretty much 75% less active than normal.

Ive been having rubbishy horrible pains for about a week, been to FAU, went in saturday they noted a contraction on the monitor but because i didnt feel it they put it down to BH.

Pains have continued - not regular.

Had weird horrible stich type pain yesterday in my left side, that went off and no more pain.

My back today is really achy, up by my rib cage, was in agony earlier with my tummy but undone my trousers and they've gone :oops: lol

Also had 2 number 2's yesterday which is unlike me.

And i have loads of wind today lol.

Went to FAU on tues, with the pains, went on moniter and my pulse was over 130 and kept settin off alarms, baby was fine though. They wanted to examine me but no dr's available. After sitting on the most uncomfortable chair for 3 hours, i discharged myself (it was 8.30pm), i was hungry tired and uncomfortable.

Is the above normal, is not feeling her as much normal at my stage?? xx
I didnt want to read and run hunni!!! If it makes you feel any better I dont really notice LO moving much anymore and I am so paranoid its just that I think maybe because baby has grown so much that they stop moving as much!

I think maybe you should ring the midwife or take yourself to be checked again hunni!!! :hug:

My friend has been in hospital all day 28 weeks pregnant babies heart rate dropping to 101 and rising to 142 they have done an internal and sent her home said results will be back tomorrow

I think you should speak to someone babes dont be getting yourself all worked up its not good for you

Keep a kick chart for a few days you should have at least 10 movements over 5 different "sessions" of movement during a 24 hr period. SO if you get 10 kicks at 11am but nothing the rest of the day that is not normal. I am further on than you and still feel bubs plenty although he has his quiet days, if you are at all worried get yourself down to the unit hun :hug:
Aww thank you mik, Ive been laying against a hot water bottle and it seems to have woken her up.

But i will keep a kick chart, cause she hasnt moved nearly as much.

blimey hun!! how many times have i thought 'that sounds like me writing that' i swear our little ones must be in on some big thing to scare us both. mines not moving as much, and i've had weird pains in my stomach and my ribs feel like they are being pulled apart !!!

sending you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug:
JayK2387 said:
Aww thank you mik, Ive been laying against a hot water bottle and it seems to have woken her up.

But i will keep a kick chart, cause she hasnt moved nearly as much.


Welcome :hug: another tip the mw told me was have a really cold drink of water and lie on your left side for 20-30 mins that should make bubs move if they don't move after 30 mins my mw said to ring straight away.

How has she been today? My bubs scares the life out of me having quiet days then batters the hell out of me the next day to make up for it :rotfl:
I so no what you mean about the lack of movement, I think perhaps I have had less movements the last week or two and I am getting mega paranoid.
Keep thinking the movements are less frequent or less strong than usual and the more you think about it the more you worry, its awful!

I am keeping a kickchart, have been told to call labour ward if I dont get 10 moves by about 6pm each day but its horrible because I end up
focusing on it so much that I have lost touch with how often and how strong they usually are so just worry myself silly!

Has anybody ever tried the torch trick? - shine a torch on your bump and the baby reacts to it ( after about 28 wks)

I am sure we will all be fine, we're probably worrying unnecessarily

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