Where Has The Time Gone?


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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This isnt pregnancy related...

i have been at my daughters birthday party today and tomorrow my little princess will be 4.. where have the years gone???:shock: :shock:

it only seems like yesterday that i was giving birth... im quite sad as i dont want her to grow up! :(

does any one else feel that time just goes soo quickly..

Here is a pic of Brooke at her party today...

that cake is amazing lol- Know what u mean hun my son 6 this year and i cant beleive it hes so independant already is worrying x
Thanks girlies :) i do think she gorgeous but i would! cant believe that she is 4 already... cake is brilliant isnt it, it was yummy to :)
what an amazing cake hun.
i know how you feel, my daughter is 4 this year and i dont know where the time has gone. just want her to stay my baby forever :(
Yes I know exactly how you feel my oldest daughter is 6 nexy month and youngest is 4 in june and it feels like 2 mins ago I gave birth to them and they were babies time goes so fast I love watching them grow up but wish I could freeze time and enjoy every second a bit more this baby will be our last and im trying to enjoy every bit of my last pregnancy hope this one stays a baby a bit longer as my youngest daughter seamed to be a newborn one day and walking around the house after her sister the next!! You little girl is beautifull x

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