Where did you concive your baby/s?


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Stephen was concieved on my old sofa when me and his dad were roaring drunk from a fantastic night out with friends from the pub! :rotfl:

And this one was concieved in my bed, boring i know, but she was planned and all BDing was done i the bed, not spontaneous at all :rotfl: :rotfl:
Kieron was concieved in Blackpool and Hannah in Benidorm lol
God erm..

cameron was conceived in sheffield, went to my brothers grauduation night and stayed in a hotel..

bradley was in bed.. :?

and so was bailey...

im dead boring :bored:
Well at keast if your in bed you can fall asleep afterwards fioan, not boring but very sensible :rotfl:
I think it was in bed, it's hard to pin it down... Might have been on the sofa :think: I had a horny couple of days just after coming off the pill!!!
Sorry escaping from 1st tri... bad squigs :oops: but just had to answer to this... :rotfl:

Tia was conceived in my parents dinning room when her father was down from London for the weekend. I was sleeping in there after leaving my old place....

This one... (I think...but we're newly weds so there were erm...lots of opportunities)...was conceived in our bed after a mad dash from our jobs at lunch time ( :oops: ) to have a quicky.... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: And erm...we were er... kinda forgot the whole wearing condoms for three cycles... :oops: :shock: Well we only get 20 mins because of the travel time. :doh:
I reckon it was also a lunch hour quickie, sneaked home from work a couple of times one week when DH was working from home as it was the "right time" we had worked out in my cycle! :D
This baby was in bed as was planned but happened very quickly so didn't even do it that much!! And my last son was concieved on the floor of the bedroom as the bed was too squeeky (hence we got rid of that one) and my daughetr before that was concieved in the domican republic and my 1st son, in my mum and dads house when i use to live with them!
Both conceptions in bed - just our own regular bed. We're so boring lol.
Boring but in bed...

It was one weekend when my mum and her bloke came to stay, either the sat morning before they arrived or the sunday night after they left :lol:
I am dead boring too - Peanut was concived in our own bed! But it was a romantic night with lots of candles and things! :D
I know I'm not in tri 3 yet, but thought i'd answer this one. Our LO was conceived in Cuba on our honeymoon
Saying that though, i say what they were concieved on, but not where, stephen was concieved in the minster tavern, a pub my hubby was assistant manager and where we were living at the time.
And DD was concieved in the fox and grapes, where we were landlord and landlady.
Whats the bettings both of my kids will have pub connections when there older or just love their booze? :rotfl:
LO was conceived in our bed after a very boozy night...well it was Christmas! :wink:
mrs_tommo22 said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I was boozy too, and wish i had been on the second!

:rotfl: :rotfl: Do you have a thing for getting it on in pubs mrs_tommo? :rotfl:
Hmmm, hard to say....

It was either on the front seat of my brand new Mini Cooper Supercharge I had bought that day - and we just had to christen it down a country lane :wink: Or we went back to my OH new house that same night and he didnt have any furniture so we were cuddled up on a blanket on his empty living room floor infront of a log fire......

So it was either naughty or romantic..... we did both the same day, and its funny but I remember it being absolutlely fantasic both times!! So something was supposed to happen! :D

Piglet xx
This one was in our new bed we only had sex twice in December and for us that is unheard of! Guess it was just meant to be :lol:
Hell yes snuggle, well we have alwasy been in the pub business, except for now so i have just got preg in pubs lmao!
When i try for another baby il have to find a pub loo if im not living in one :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
mrs_tommo22 said:
Hell yes snuggle, well we have alwasy been in the pub business, except for now so i have just got preg in pubs lmao!
When i try for another baby il have to find a pub loo if im not living in one :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

:rotfl: Aw you old romantic you :rotfl:

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