When will he feed less?!


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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Hi all, im struggling a bit with my little Isaac. He's 5 weeks today & he feeds constantly! I'm breast feeding & since he was born the longest he's gone between feeds is 2 & 1/2 hours & that happened just once. At night he generally feeds about every 1-1 1/2 hours & every 30-45 mins in the day or more, sometimes he goes just 10, today I'm trying to distract him &make him go 45mins but it's not been easy! I love breast feeding him & he's growing fast which is great as he was only 5lb when born but I'm really struggling with lack of sleep now & feel I'm just not able to enjoy him as much as I'd like, I never get more than 1 hours sleep at a time & I'm lucky to get that with settling him & wot not, feel like I'm going a bit mad now. It not just a growth spurt as he's been like this since day 1, which is why im feeling so rough! I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this & at what stage they started to go a bit longer between feeds?? The house is a tip & I struggle to feed myself. My OH understands but I hate making him cook & clean when he's been at work all day, just want a little bit more time between feeds, will it happen soon??!
Don't worry about anything except feeding that baby. The cleaning a cooking can wait. Your baby is building up your milk supply. Make the most of this time cuddled up! I found the nights got easier than the days a lot quicker.

Aww bless you! You're doing so well to have been feeding for that long and you're obviously doing something right because you're little boy is putting on lots of weight! Just try and focus on that, you're doing the most natural thing in the world, and it will get easier.

I wish I'd have been able to breastfeed for longer, I had milk supply issues and my LO being 10lb 4.5oz born was really hungry, he lost 1lb in the first 4 days, and even feeding him round the clock for 4 days didn't do anything to boost my supply, he was constantly hungry, so I switched him to formula and he's been totally satisfied by that.

My cousin's son fed hourly for the first 10 weeks, 24 hours a day, and in the end she had enough and put him on formula and he slept 8hrs the first night!

That's not always the case, as my nephew was EBF for the first 3 months, and he's 6 months now and still up every 2 hours, so I don't think switching to FF always helps.

The most important thing is to remember how great you're doing. That's something I never had, my midwives and HVs made me feel crap about my feeding, so focus on the good you're doing for your baby!

And remember, it doesn't last forever!!!! Even if it doesn't feel like it! xxx
Hi yes, mine is a feeder. Not as often as yours and i get slightly more of a break at night than you but he is roughly every 2 hours and each feed lasts nearly an hour after i've winded him as well so I spend the first few weeks really knackered and drained. i had to get my mum round to make me food as i couldnt manage on my own all day with oh at work
Just go with the flow if they want the milk then give it to them!! Just keep an eye out for when they are actually feeding and when they are just sucking as I cud leave harry on my boob for hours sometimes but now I have got strickter and give him a dummy if he still wants to suck.
I think some babies are just more demanding than others. Hate to tell you this but Kynon still feeds every 2-3 hours day and night and is 5 months, I've just got used to it and he does feed quicker now. Sometimes he will go 45 mins and if Im really lucky he will go 4 hours like last night and I felt like a new woman this morning lol! Don't worry about housework just now, or you could buy a sling and do the odd job with lo in the sling. Often those first few weeks are just about getting your milk supply up and comfort for baby, bf is more than nourishment to them as you probably know! I often feed lying down in bed so i can snooze or relax more while I feed which is a massive help. It will get easier even if he still feeds all the time you somehow find a way, just make sure you drink loads and eat plenty, i snack all the time even at night on cereal bars, flapjacks, raisins, chocolate, yogurt generally anything I don't need to prepare!
Hang in there your doing great x

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All babies are different but I found that around the 10 week mark Jack started feeding less. It felt amazing when I started getting 4 or 5 hours sleep at night, infact I found myself waking even though he wasnt....I'm still exclusively bfing and he now sleeps 6 or 8 hours of a night time. Hang in there, those early weeks are the worse.
I'm not sure about the whole switching to formula, it probably works for some but I think Jack sleeps longer than other babies I know that are formula fed. I do feel for you , its hard when it feels like you do nothing but feed all day and night xx
Thanks so much for all the encouragement. I am feeling a bit better today as OH is around to help me & Isaac had been slightly less demanding. He slept for 2 2hour blocks last night which I got stupidly excited about! Feeding every 2 hours I can handle, it's the constant feeding through day & night I'm struggling with as I don't seem to get any sleep then. Also everyone says to not worry about anything but feeding him but it's just so hard when he needs clean clothes & the dishes need washing etc. He has been very sweet today though & much more alert & interested in our faces, I think he might be coming out of a growth spurt, makes it all worth it, he is gorgeous!

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