Breastfeeding help


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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So, I'm in need of some reassurance now. I've been a bit worried about Isaac's feeding for a while as he feeds constantly! He's 8 weeks & feeds on average every 1 & 1/2 hours day & night but often more frequently and has only made it to 3 hours twice in 8 weeks. I've posted on here before to get advice as I'm worried he's overfeeding as he's also often sick. The advice I've got from here & elsewhere seems to be to just feed if he wants it, I know he uses me as a dummy (won't take a real dummy) but I've been told that's ok & I want him to have that comfort if he's upset. Anyway I've just been to get him weighed & he's 10.4lb, he was 5.2 at birth so has doubled his weight already. I thought this was pretty good as he was a low birth weight baby, but the HV was just so horrible to me & said im overfeeding him & I should just let him cry & not feed him all the time. I just don't feel I can do that & how would I know when he is hungry & when to leave him?! She also told me I should try other ways of settling him like walking around & rocking him - as if I haven't tried this! I didn't like the way she spoke to him either& she patronised me about loads of other things too & made me feel I was doing it all wrong. I've devoted so much time & energy to feeding him almost every hour day & night for 8 weeks & I'm so tired but thought I was doing the right thing & now I feel my confidence has been shattered & im doing everything wrong.
I don't really have any advice, but didn't want to read and run. Do you have a bf support group near by that you could go to.

I'm tempted to say that you should try to get him to stop using you as a dummy, but I realise that's a lot easier said than done, cos at 8 weeks I would say he's too young to be left to cry.

Only thing I can think of is to try and distract him for a little while each feed, to see if you can stretch it out gradually.

If she doesn't see this pm pinky princess, cos her LO was feeding a lot. Xxx
I had Tyler weighed at 10 weeks and I spoke to the doctor and HV about the fact he was feeding every hour. Although he weighs perfectly they advised that I stretch his feeds out to 2 hours as he's just snacking and not eating a proper meal. It was against all my beliefs but because I was told by 2 Heath professionals I went along with it. It took a couple of days of tears but he now goes between 2 and 2 1/2 hours. I am in no way suggesting you do this unless you've had professional advice as I think it was cruel (and I felt terrible!) and I don't think it should be done unless completely necessary. If your HV isn't helping maybe see a doctor. Defiantly go to a bf support group tho!

And you are doing nothing wrong btw! Feeding on demand is natural and beneficial to the baby!! don't let anyone tell you otherwise!!

Thank you! Pinky, did he cry a lot when you spaced out feeds? Did you just try to distract him until it was time? And now does he go 2 hours without crying/demanding a feed? I sort of feel I should maybe do this as you say it only took a couple of days, but it's so hard as he gets so distressed & won't be distracted. I feel so confused as every professional I speak to or book i read seems to have different advice! Might well go to a breatfeeding support group. Thanks
It was horrible the first time I cried too! I think the first couple of days I went to an hour and half then up to 2 and he did cry but I'd take him for walks around the flat and did what I could to distract him (easier said than done lol!) if he is very upset or tired I'd bring it forward 15 mins (I still do) just take your baby's lead. If he's coping, leave him. If he's yelling, feed him. I do think you should speak to someone before doing it tho!

I don't think you're doing anything wrong! We've all been told to feed on demand and that is what you're doing. Try going to a bf support group. They are probably a lot better at giving advice! Hugs!
I was also told my little one was a snacker and to stretch out his feeds, but I wouldn't go by the clock but when he starts asking for food try and make him wait an extra 10 mins. eventually you'll find he will go longer between feeds but even so at 8 weeks he is very young! I wouldn't worry too much especially as 5.2 isn't that high a birth weigh so it is possible he is just catching up! :)

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