when to test ??


Active Member
Jan 13, 2009
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hi just wondering if anyone has any idea of when im best to test ? got my ebay cheapies (the plastic ones with dropper)already used 1 :rotfl:
here is a list of cycles from august
25 dc
14 dc
27 dc
29 dc
18 dc
34 dc
dr then put me on tablets to stop af took them from cd6 to cd 13 got af on cd 14 .
this was not like af's i have been having since m/c it was lovely and light (that's why i tested on sat lol) im now on cd 21. i was thinking of waiting till cd 30 but with having the 34 in there was wondering if you think i should wait till then

ps this might be useless info but i read somewhere about skin breaking out in spots when ov'd if this is so got spotty on Thursday which would have been cd 17 lol
hopeing some one can help if not will end up poas addict :rotfl:

terri xx
if u did ovulate day 17 it would be a good idea to wait another 14 days from then- day 31 until u test. u can get a bfp from around 10dpo so this would allow u to have ovulated anytime up to day 21 and still get a pretty accurate result. as ur cycles are pretty irregular at the moment don't get too disheartened if u wait till then and get a bfn it may just be that it is still too early. :hug:
if u have a few cheapie tests though how about testing every other day- but make sure its with first morning urine- if u are testing early this is essential!! good luck
thanks puds i have 10 tests in total lol 9 with dropper and 1 of those midstream ones . its so frustrating not knowing when im ov ing . i also have bought 15 opk's . ready for next month if we dont catch this month . at least next month i will have more of an idea . i have been reading on here that they are great for when you dont know . will 15 be enough or do you think i might need more ? some say test once a day some say twice .
terri x
if u know roughly when u are likely to ovulate i would say 15 would be fine- i've got through about 50 so far this cycle but then again i am on day 62! :wall: i would just do 1 a day about 2-4pm ish. if u get a visible line that is not as dark as the control line i would personally do another 1 later on that day to see if it gets darker if u have enough spare. do u know what mui they are? it should say on the packet. if they are 10mui they will be very sensitive and u may end up getting lines that are almost positive most days- a few girls on here have had trouble with them lately. i use 30mui ones and although i get a very faint line most days when i have actually ovulated i have got a line as dark as the control.
if u don't have much luck with them u may find charting useful as ur cycles are irregular. it involves using ur temp to pinpoint when u ovulate. there is lots of information on here if u want to give it ago in the future(but hopefully u won't need to!)
good luck. :hug:
cant find no mui info on the op strips they are from baby mad . just saw them while buying hpt's and thought i might as well get some of them too lol . the hpt are 25mui i got them from fertility plan. should have got them from same site might have saved on p&p lol
I have never had a positive opk and I think it is because I drink too much (not alcohol :lol: ) so I think my urine is too diluted. I can't go for more than 10 mins without drinking something :wall:

I have also found out that my low temps may well be due to the fact that I sleep with my mouth open. Apparently sleeping with your mouth open will give you low temps and if you sleep with your mouth open all the time then this is ok as it will still show the thermal shift but if you only do it occassionally (like if you have a cold) then it can account for temp dip anomolies.

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