when to tell work ????


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2010
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I work in a secure mental health unit and when someone is pregnant, we are suppose to tell them asap so that we can move to the rehab wards, where the risk of anything happening is much lower. Im trying to keep my pregnancy as quiet as possible ( only me and my boyfriend know at the moment) until my 12 week scan but the ward I am on has suddenly gone really unsettled and Im so so worried about something happening to me and it affecting the baby. Would you think I would be right in telling work now ? Im 7 weeks and 5 days.
It's totally up to you but if you have any worries about you and baby then it could be worth telling them. I have only told my immeadiate boss because I needed slightly adjusted working hours (cant manage the night watch at the moment because I'm so tired and wouldn't be able to do my job properly) and although other people may have guessed, I am not telling the rest of work until 12 week scan.
I'd definitely tell them hun :hug:
i would tell them hun they can then move you away from the danger xx
I work in community mental health, over 65's and most people I see are very well, but there is a lot of unknowns and I do work alone. I told my immediate line manager at about 7 weeks and we completed the pregnancy risk assessment (NHS local policy) which enabled me to be flexible with my work patterns and had more in depth discussions if any of my patients were becoming unwell.
I would definately speak to your manager and explain that you do want to keep your pregnancy quiet, there may be an alternative to that 'tell tale' move to the rehab wards. At the end of the day you have to look after yourself and bubs!! (I think my manager was the first person I told, she was so worried when I asked to speak to her as she thought I was going to tell her I was going to resign!)
i work with people wit lerning disabilities in hospital so people who are on mental health section and can be quite dangerous so i told my immediate manager as soon as i found out because i felt the risk to great but knowone else knows at work
I'd defo mention something - and like Megsmeadow said, explain to your manager that you ideally would have liked to have kept it quiet until at least 12 weeks however you're worried for the safety of your unborn child so would appreciate it if they kept it as quiet as possible until you mention something. :)
All the best x
Hi all , Iv told work... been taken off nights and gotta go see the manager of the rehab wards tomorrow to sort out where im moving to and my shifts. There are loads of moves going on at the moment at work anyway so hopefully it wont go too noticed. fingers crossed xx
I'm glad you were able to discuss it with them! Hopefully no one will notice if there are other changes too, good luck!!
good luck, i was nervous about telling my boss because im office based but work with clients with learning disabilities and mental health problems and frequently have to go visit them in care-homes or there own homes which arent allways upto general standards of cleanleness shall we say, she was fine about it n now im office based with a million more clients!?!!?

but on the down side, she did mess up and mention it in passing to our deputy team leader so i ended telling them all, my main reason was if anything does happen to me or bean, then they will find out anyway why im off, so at least they might be nicer,

good luck in your new team, im sure everything will go fine

:) x
My boss was the first person I told, but i think he was glad to be the first to know, as he is also my hubby ;)
im still in probation period at work for another month :( so frustrating coz im adamant i want to wait til i pass probation before i tell people *just in case* it may in any way affect their decision, i know they would be stupid doing so just u never know eh

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